Rasa Pro: Docker install problem - [dumb-init] init: No such file or directory

Hello - trying to install Rasa Pro on a Mac M2. Going down the Docker path and facing errors when starting the container. (using the image I just downloaded tonight, dating from 7 months ago, sha256:83b9e43be0b4e9f448c7556c0ae090304cca4a6b00ce9ed068291f262643c424 )

  1. I set the license env variable

export RASA_PRO_LICENSE=eyJhb....

  1. I start the container - it exits right away with error.
dmd@mbp $ docker run -v ./:/app -e RASA_PRO_LICENSE=${RASA_PRO_LICENSE} europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/rasa-pro/rasa-pro init --no-prompt
[dumb-init] init: No such file or directory
dmd@mbp $

Any suggestion on how to fix this issue?


A workaround is to supply the version to the docker image, i.e.

$ docker run -v ./:/app -e RASA_PRO_LICENSE=${RASA_PRO_LICENSE} \
  europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/rasa-pro/rasa-pro:3.9.2-latest \
  init --no-prompt

I’ve tested this successfully on my M2 Mac and Intel.

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Hi John - (sorry for the delay; was away for a few days),

Thanks for the suggestion: it did fix the issue!