Hi Folks, I’ve been doing some strees tests on a server running an rasa instance to subject rasa to extreme situations to find out its boundaries and behavior.
To do this I used the online tool RESTFUL STRESS2 where it is possible to perform stress tests through the HTTP protocol and check which values are correct according to the number of requirements applied. So I used this tool to make HTTP requests equivalent to this:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"sender":"default","message":"hello"}'
As you can see the server stopped responding when reached about 1.5k requests. And the number of concurrent theads was limited to 7.
I am using a digitalocean VM with 1GB ram, 25GB disk and Linux 18.04 LTS x64. I am using rasa with docker and the docker-compose config is the following:
Also, when the server stopped responding I went to see the container logs and got this:
I’ve been searching for a while for content about rasa performance and found this issue where someone states that rasa can only handle about 40 concurrent user requests. But still I am not sure about it because I ran a JMeter test with those 40 theads and it worked just fine.
So, I want to know: Is rasa scalable ? How much concurrent and over time request it can handle?
Any new information is welcome!