Rasa not following the rules

I am confused on how the rules work. Here are two cases where I get unexpected results:

- rule: Custom action sets irrelevant slot for the rule, then activate form
  - action: some_action        ## Custom action setting a slot that is not relevant for this rule
  - slot_was_set:
    - irrelevant_slot: True    ## Problem 1:  The rest of the rule is ignored without specifying this irrelevant slot.
  - action: utter_something1
  - action: ask_data_form
  - active_loop: ask_data_form

- rule: Submit form
  - active_loop: ask_data_form
  - action: ask_data_form
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - active_loop: null
  - action: process_data          ## Problem 2:   fallback predicted :(

How can I resolve these problems?

Does your irrelevant_slot have influence_conversation: true?

Yes, but I don’t want it to have any influence for this rule. I have other rules that depend on the slot but for this rule it is irrelevant.

If you have influence_conversation: true and you set it in the action “some_action” then you need to have that line in the story.

Ok, so Problem 1 can be solved by creating two rules one for true and another for false. Not a clean solution, but fine.

There is still Problem 2.