Rasa error in MySQL

Hello everyone i am facing an error in rasa which happens when a custom action of mine which pulls data from a MySQL database is triggered. This custom action is supposed to print the details that i asked for from the chatbot but rather than giving the response in the rasa shell it prints the response in my anaconda prompt where the server is running Here is a picture of it

This is the anaconda prompt where my rasa server is running

and this is my rasa shell

@SyedBilalHasan Syed. It is the nature of action server if you give the print command he will show you the output and for your response display in chatbot, you need to mention the utterance or text in dispatcher.utter_message

@SyedBilalHasan Are you using any API request for fetching the data and can you please share me rasa --version ?

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Can you show your action? Looks like you may be trying to do utter_message() on a number instead of a string.