Hello, I’m new to Rasa and I have a problem with the slots and a custom action. I use Rasa 2.0 Open Source and Rasa X. I want to create a chatbot that creates a file using a Linux command. It’s in German. The user writes “Datei erstellen” (create file) and has to write after that the filename and filetype (these are the two slots, the filetype can be choosen by buttons). After that the Chatbot should call the actions.py where he creates the file (e.g. touch test.txt).
The problem is that the bot goes to action.listen() instead of calling my action “action_create_file”. I corrected it in Rasa X but there are no slots saved. For debugging reasons I have only printed down the slots without executing a touch command. The two slots are None.
Blockquote session_config: session_expiration_time: 60 carry_over_slots_to_new_session: true intents: - create_file - entry_filetype - entry_filename - greet - goodbye - affirm - deny - whoami - bot_challenge - entry_filetype{"filetype":"txt"} - entry_filename{"filename":"Kontakte"} entities: - filename - filetype - is_directory slots: filename: type: text auto_fill: false influence_conversation: true filetype: type: text auto_fill: false influence_conversation: true is_directory: type: bool influence_conversation: true responses: utter_greet: - text: Hallo :) utter_goodbye: - text: Auf Wiedersehen :) utter_whoami: - text: Ich bin Kevin, ein Chatbot der FI-TS. utter_ask_filename: - text: Ich brauche noch den Dateinamen um die Datei zu erstellen. utter_ask_filetype: - buttons: - payload: /entry_filetype{{"filetype":"txt"}} title: Textdatei (.txt) - payload: /entry_filetype{{"filetype":"html"}} title: HTML Datei (.html) text: Ich brauche noch den Dateityp um die Datei zu erstellen. actions: - action_create_file - utter_ask_filename - utter_ask_filetype - utter_greet version: '2.0'
version: “2.0”
story: greeting
intent: greet
action: utter_greet
story: Create file story
intent: create_file
action: utter_ask_filename
intent: entry_filename
action: utter_ask_filetype
intent: entry_filetype
action: action_create_file
story: Test Story Create file
intent: create_file
action: utter_ask_filename
intent: entry_filename
- filename: “Kontakte”
- filename: “Kontakte”
action: utter_ask_filetype
intent: entry_filetype
- filetype: “txt”
- filetype: “txt”
action: action_create_file
story: interactive_story_1
intent: create_file
action: utter_ask_filename
intent: entry_filename
- filename: Kontakte
action: utter_ask_filetype
intent: entry_filetype
- filetype: txt
action: action_create_file
- filename: null
- filetype: null
from typing import Any, Text, Dict, List
from rasa_sdk import Action, Tracker
from rasa_sdk.executor import CollectingDispatcher
from rasa_sdk.events import SlotSet
import os
import subprocess
class ActionCreateFile(Action):
def name(self) -> Text: return "action_create_file" def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]: #os.system('touch hello.txt') fname = tracker.get_slot('filename') ftype = tracker.get_slot('filetype') print(fname) print(ftype) #dispatcher.utter_message(text="Hello.txt wurde erstellt :)") message = "Datei {} {} wurde erstellt".format(fname, ftype) dispatcher.utter_message(text=message) # Konsolenausgabe in Rasa Shell ausgeben #output = subprocess.check_output("date", shell=True) #dispatcher.utter_message(text=str(output)) return [SlotSet("filename", fname), SlotSet("filetype", ftype)] # return []
Again: The last action (action_create_file) is only called because I corrected it. Usually he just says action_listen. And the slots are both “None”. So the created file is “None None” instead of "Kontakte txt). How can I fix this?