Rasa Dockerfile 'config.yml' does not exist


I am trying to train rasa inside a Dockerfile. Therefore, I created the following Dockerfile:

FROM rasa/rasa:2.0.3-full

RUN rasa train --config config.yml --domain domain.yml --data data --out models


I run this file inside /rasa where all these files are stored.

I use the following command:

docker image build -t chat-bot:1.0 .

However, I always get the following error:

The path './config.yml' does not exist. Please make sure to use the default location ('config.yml') or specify it with '--config'.

Did anyone else try this before? I was not able to find documentation about creating a Dockerfile with Rasa. Thanks for your help!

Hi @threxx, you will need to copy your training files in your local machine under ./Rasa/ into the Docker image so it’s accessible from Rasa inside the container:

FROM rasa/rasa:2.0.3-full

COPY ./Rasa/* .

RUN rasa train --config config.yml --domain domain.yml --data data --out models


Thanks, that works very well!