Rasa/Docker No chat connector configured, falling back to the REST input channel

Hi all,

I’m having trouble switching from traditionnal Rasa bot to Dockerized one. The traditionnal work properly with the Bot Framework as I configured it in credentials.yml. The thing is that after following the “Running Rasa with Docker” tutorial and copy/pasting my files (credentials, data…) in the “Docker repository” when I launch the bot as said in the Docs I’ve got the following error :

docker run \
-v $(pwd)/models:/app/models \
rasa/rasa:latest-full \

No chat connector configured, falling back to the REST input channel. To connect your bot to another channel, read the docs here: Connecting to Messaging and Voice Channels

Eventhough I have my credentials.yml set exactly as the one working without Docker. I tried to use --credentials but got the same message.

When inspecting volumes, I can’t see one with credentials.yml inside, is it how it’s supposed to be ? Could anyone enlighten me ?

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Make sure you are running your docker run command in the directory where your credentials.yml and models are located.