Hi all,
I’m having trouble switching from traditionnal Rasa bot to Dockerized one. The traditionnal work properly with the Bot Framework as I configured it in credentials.yml. The thing is that after following the “Running Rasa with Docker” tutorial and copy/pasting my files (credentials, data…) in the “Docker repository” when I launch the bot as said in the Docs I’ve got the following error :
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/models:/app/models \
rasa/rasa:latest-full \
No chat connector configured, falling back to the REST input channel. To connect your bot to another channel, read the docs here: Connecting to Messaging and Voice Channels
Eventhough I have my credentials.yml set exactly as the one working without Docker. I tried to use --credentials but got the same message.
When inspecting volumes, I can’t see one with credentials.yml inside, is it how it’s supposed to be ? Could anyone enlighten me ?