Rasa core not responding

Hi, I am building a chatbot for ordering book. I have an inventory database for books. I am writing a story and a custom action that needs to be checked often to retrieve product info. But something is going haywire in performance and its not performing according to the stories at all. For eg I have a story like


  • greet
  • utter_greet
  • utter_ask_howcanhelp
  • inform{‘object’: ‘TV’}
  • utter_ask_size
  • inform{‘size’: ‘32 inch’}
  • action_basic_info
  • inform{‘brand’: ‘LG’}
  • utter_agree
  • utter_ask_price
  • inform{‘price’: ‘50000’}
  • action_basic_info
  • final_decision
  • utter_awesome
  • utter_end_conversation

here, “action basic info” is the custom action. and I am calling it frequently. I trained my model on 36 different stories. The thing when the bot enters this custom action, it does not prompt for anything else. Is it because my stories are less.

In action_basic_info, I am reading all the slots and checking if it is none, then query the database.

Please help

Running your bot with the --debug flag will probably tell you what’s going wrong, there’s info on how to use this here: http://rasa.com/docs/core/debugging/

can we configure rasa, if a person types Hi name, @name, Hello name rasa should not respond.