I am making rasa-nlu+core bot using python. When I am running train_init.py file(for making rasa core model) providing Actions for purchasing something it shows Exception: Can not access action ‘action_purchase’, as that name is not a registered action for this domain. Available actions are: My action file name is action_purchase.py class made in this file is action_purchase action name provide is domain.yml file is action_purchase.action_purchase and in the stories.md file is action_purchase. What is wrong in this method?
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import requests
from rasa_core.actions import Action
class action_purchase(Action):
player_purchase_token = ""
def name(self):
return 'action_purchase'
def login(self):
url = url
headers = {'Content-Type': ' ', 'username: ' ','password': ' '}
_login = json file
response = requests.post(url, json = _login, headers= headers).json()
player_purchase_token = response["playerToken"]
return player_purchase_token
def purchase_ticket(self, dispatcher, player_purchase_token, domain):
url = "url"
headers = {'Content-Type': '','username': '','password': ''}
purchase_payload = json file2
raw_resp = requests.post(url, json = purchase_payload, headers= headers)
ticket = raw_resp.json()
AvailableBal = ticket["availableBal"]
Number = ticket["Data"]["Number"]
response = """Your available balance is {} and your number is {}.""".format(AvailableBal, Number)
return []
I am using rasa-core 0.10.4 and rasa-nlu 0.13.2