Rasa Conditional Response Variations

We require this feature. Can you please help, can we use this feature on our prod env? because this is is a experimental feature, so can we trust on this feature or not?

To be honest, the best way to know is to try it out.

I’ve never seen a problem with Conditional Response Variations, but if for some reason they’re not working for you, you can use Custom Actions instead and check for conditions inside the code.

Hey @ChrisRahme Good Morning or Evening, Can you please provide a solution for my problem statement, my problem statement is that we are creating multiple rasa bot(new instance) for multiple products, the only difference between these products is the initial intent, So now, we are thinking to create only a single rasa instance with condition response base on the product id.

For example :- If we are having 5 products so we are creating 5 different rasa bot. and the only difference between these 5 bot are the initial message. Now we are thinking to merge these 5 rasa bot into a single one with condition response on the initial message(intent). Like for our scenario, what will you prefer?

Thanks a lot in advance


I’ve done a similar thing in my chatbot. What I chose to do is an initial message common to all products with a button for each product:


Each one could have an intent, and each intent could trigger a different action.

In my case, they were all the same intent but with different entities.

Hey, @ChrisRahme Thanks a lot for your suggestion but in our case, all the products have been treated as a different entity, which means they don’t know about each other. so I believe this solution might not fit into my problem statement.