When attempting to run a model from Huggingface, getting an error about the H.F. package even though I have loaded it into the environment with pip as per the error msg:
“Please install it with pip install huggingface_hub
. (type=value_error)”
here’s the confi.yml
recipe: default.v1
language: en
- name: KeywordIntentClassifier
- name: NLUCommandAdapter
- name: LLMCommandGenerator
type: "huggingface_hub"
repo_id: "mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1"
task: "text-generation"
- name: FlowPolicy
- name: EnterpriseSearchPolicy
- name: IntentlessPolicy
I have tried many different versions of this pipeline with no luck so far. Please advise.
P.S. I was able to successfully pipeline a custom fine-tuned gpt model which is very cool !