Rasa 2 Form example won't work

New at Rasa - and interested with forms in Rasa 2. Tried to do these steps here - not sure why the form just stop to present questions and take entities… Any advice?

LOGS: rasa shell --debug

2021-01-06 14:44:40.631675: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:59] Could not load dynamic library ‘libcudart.so.10.1’; dlerror: libcudart.so.10.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-01-06 14:44:40.631710: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cudart_stub.cc:29] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine. 2021-01-06 14:44:42.633143: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:59] Could not load dynamic library ‘libcuda.so.1’; dlerror: libcuda.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-01-06 14:44:42.633187: W tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_driver.cc:312] failed call to cuInit: UNKNOWN ERROR (303) 2021-01-06 14:44:42.633220: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_diagnostics.cc:156] kernel driver does not appear to be running on this host (cnvrg-job-notebooksession-wei1vxae6tgkuypdussu-695784d7dc-79q4h): /proc/driver/nvidia/version does not exist 2021-01-06 14:44:42 INFO rasa.model - Loading model models/20210106-143351.tar.gz… 2021-01-06 14:44:42 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to ‘/tmp/tmpw6ylcj7c’. 2021-01-06 14:44:42 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.segment.io:443 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - https://api.segment.io:443 “POST /v1/track HTTP/1.1” 200 21 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG rasa.cli.utils - Parameter ‘endpoints’ not set. Using default location ‘endpoints.yml’ instead. 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG rasa.cli.utils - Parameter ‘credentials’ not set. Using default location ‘credentials.yml’ instead. 2021-01-06 14:44:43 INFO rasa.model - Loading model models/20210106-143351.tar.gz… 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to ‘/tmp/tmpan48e07s’. 2021-01-06 14:44:43 INFO root - Connecting to channel ‘cmdline’ which was specified by the ‘–connector’ argument. Any other channels will be ignored. To connect to all given channels, omit the ‘–connector’ argument. 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG sanic.root - CORS: Configuring CORS with resources: {’/’: {‘origins’: [’’], ‘methods’: ‘DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT’, ‘allow_headers’: [’.’], ‘expose_headers’: ‘filename’, ‘supports_credentials’: True, ‘max_age’: None, ‘send_wildcard’: False, ‘automatic_options’: True, ‘vary_header’: True, ‘resources’: {’/*’: {‘origins’: ‘’}}, ‘intercept_exceptions’: True, ‘always_send’: True}} 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Available web server routes: /webhooks/rest GET custom_webhook_CmdlineInput.health /webhooks/rest/webhook POST custom_webhook_CmdlineInput.receive / GET hello 2021-01-06 14:44:43 INFO root - Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Using the default number of Sanic workers (1). 2021-01-06 14:44:43 INFO rasa.model - Loading model models/20210106-143351.tar.gz… 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to ‘/tmp/tmp9x8g6gff’. 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.segment.io:443 2021-01-06 14:44:43 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - https://api.segment.io:443 “POST /v1/track HTTP/1.1” 200 21 2021-01-06 14:44:43 INFO root - Enabling coroutine debugging. Loop id 118825496. 2021-01-06 14:44:43 INFO rasa.model - Loading model models/20210106-143351.tar.gz… 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to ‘/tmp/tmppicclyv1’. 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Loading the model from /tmp/tmppicclyv1/nlu/component_5_DIETClassifier.tf_model with finetune_mode=False… 2021-01-06 14:44:44.254186: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:142] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations: AVX2 AVX512F FMA To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags. 2021-01-06 14:44:44.262749: I tensorflow/core/platform/profile_utils/cpu_utils.cc:104] CPU Frequency: 3000000000 Hz 2021-01-06 14:44:44.263141: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:168] XLA service 0x6b44880 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices: 2021-01-06 14:44:44.263176: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:176] StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - Following metrics will be logged during training: 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - t_loss (total loss) 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - i_acc (intent acc) 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - i_loss (intent loss) 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - e_f1 (entity f1) 2021-01-06 14:44:44 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - e_loss (entity loss) 2021-01-06 14:44:45 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished loading the model. 2021-01-06 14:44:45 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Building tensorflow prediction graph… 2021-01-06 14:44:49 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished building tensorflow prediction graph. 2021-01-06 14:44:49 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - Failed to load model for ‘ResponseSelector’. Maybe you did not provide enough training data and no model was trained or the path ‘/tmp/tmppicclyv1/nlu’ doesn’t exist? 2021-01-06 14:44:49 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Connected to InMemoryTrackerStore. 2021-01-06 14:44:49 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Connected to lock store ‘InMemoryLockStore’. 2021-01-06 14:44:49 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to ‘/tmp/tmp2n5845lb’. 2021-01-06 14:44:50 DEBUG rasa.core.nlg.generator - Instantiated NLG to ‘TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator’. 2021-01-06 14:44:50 INFO root - Rasa server is up and running. Bot loaded. Type a message and press enter (use ‘/stop’ to exit): Your input -> need a restaurant
2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Issuing ticket for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquiring lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquired lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Could not find tracker for conversation ID ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Starting a new session for conversation ID ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘action_session_start’ ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.SessionStarted object at 0x7fbcac542240>, ActionExecuted(action: action_listen, policy: None, confidence: None)]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: cuisine: None num_people: None outdoor_seating: None requested_slot: None 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for ‘ResponseSelector’: The component is either not trained or didn’t receive enough training data. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message ‘need a restaurant’ with intent ‘{‘id’: 7809173088652510351, ‘name’: ‘request_restaurant’, ‘confidence’: 0.9999359846115112}’ and entities ‘[]’ 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 4 events. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state: [state 1] user text: need a restaurant | previous action name: action_listen 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state: [state 1] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: action_listen 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is a rule for the next action ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Made prediction using user intent. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Added DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False) event. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘restaurant_form’ with confidence 1.00. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Activated the form ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - No pre-filled required slots to validate. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating user input ‘UserUttered(text: need a restaurant, intent: request_restaurant, use_text_for_featurization: False)’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating extracted slots: {} 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Request next slot ‘cuisine’ 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization object at 0x7fbd377087f0>]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘restaurant_form’ ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.ActiveLoop object at 0x7fbcac510630>, <rasa.shared.core.events.SlotSet object at 0x7fbcac7748d0>, BotUttered(‘What cuisine?’, {“elements”: null, “quick_replies”: null, “buttons”: null, “attachment”: null, “image”: null, “custom”: null}, {“template_name”: “utter_ask_cuisine”}, 1609944295.8015578)]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: cuisine: None num_people: None outdoor_seating: None requested_slot: cuisine 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Predicted ‘action_listen’ after loop ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘action_listen’ with confidence 1.00. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘action_listen’ ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:55 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. What cuisine? Your input -> italian
2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Issuing ticket for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquiring lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquired lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker for id ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’ 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for ‘ResponseSelector’: The component is either not trained or didn’t receive enough training data. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message ‘italian’ with intent ‘{‘id’: -8330170498475261037, ‘name’: ‘inform’, ‘confidence’: 0.9943757057189941}’ and entities ‘[{‘entity’: ‘cuisine’, ‘start’: 0, ‘end’: 7, ‘confidence_entity’: 0.8699348568916321, ‘value’: ‘italian’, ‘extractor’: ‘DIETClassifier’}]’ 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: cuisine: None num_people: None outdoor_seating: None requested_slot: cuisine 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 11 events. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state: [state 1] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: action_listen [state 2] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: restaurant_form | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} [state 3] user text: italian | previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Predicted loop ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Made prediction using user intent. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Added DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False) event. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘restaurant_form’ with confidence 1.00. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating user input ‘UserUttered(text: italian, intent: inform, entities: italian (Type: cuisine, Role: None, Group: None), use_text_for_featurization: False)’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Trying to extract requested slot ‘cuisine’ … 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Got mapping ‘{‘type’: ‘from_entity’, ‘entity’: ‘cuisine’}’ 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Successfully extracted ‘italian’ for requested slot ‘cuisine’ 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating extracted slots: {‘cuisine’: ‘italian’} 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Request next slot ‘num_people’ 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization object at 0x7fbcac361860>]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘restaurant_form’ ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.SlotSet object at 0x7fbcac3617f0>, <rasa.shared.core.events.SlotSet object at 0x7fbcac3522e8>, BotUttered(‘How many people?’, {“elements”: null, “quick_replies”: null, “buttons”: null, “attachment”: null, “image”: null, “custom”: null}, {“template_name”: “utter_ask_num_people”}, 1609944298.6712868)]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: cuisine: italian num_people: None outdoor_seating: None requested_slot: num_people 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Predicted ‘action_listen’ after loop ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘action_listen’ with confidence 1.00. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘action_listen’ ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:44:58 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. How many people? Your input -> 2
2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Issuing ticket for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquiring lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquired lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker for id ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’ 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for ‘ResponseSelector’: The component is either not trained or didn’t receive enough training data. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message ‘2’ with intent ‘{‘id’: -8330170498475261037, ‘name’: ‘inform’, ‘confidence’: 0.9999982118606567}’ and entities ‘[]’ 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 18 events. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state: [state 1] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: action_listen [state 2] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: restaurant_form | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} [state 3] user text: 2 | previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Predicted loop ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Made prediction using user intent. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Added DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False) event. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘restaurant_form’ with confidence 1.00. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating user input ‘UserUttered(text: 2, intent: inform, use_text_for_featurization: False)’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Trying to extract requested slot ‘num_people’ … 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Got mapping ‘{‘type’: ‘from_entity’, ‘entity’: ‘num_people’}’ 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Failed to extract requested slot ‘num_people’ 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating extracted slots: {} 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state: [state 1] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: action_listen [state 2] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: restaurant_form | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} [state 3] previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state: [state 1] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: action_listen [state 2] user intent: request_restaurant | previous action name: restaurant_form | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} [state 3] user intent: inform | previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {‘name’: ‘restaurant_form’} 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Execution of ‘restaurant_form’ was rejected. Setting its confidence to 0.0 in all predictions. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Made prediction using user intent. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Added DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False) event. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘action_default_fallback’ with confidence 0.30. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization object at 0x7fbcac2acfd0>]’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘action_default_fallback’ ended with events ‘[<rasa.shared.core.events.UserUtteranceReverted object at 0x7fbcac244390>]’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: cuisine: italian num_people: None outdoor_seating: None requested_slot: num_people 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Predicted ‘action_listen’ after loop ‘restaurant_form’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_RulePolicy. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action ‘action_listen’ with confidence 1.00. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action ‘action_listen’ ended with events ‘[]’. 2021-01-06 14:45:02 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation ‘0d50adc25c544045add83f1494d1ef24’.

DOMAIN.YML version: “2.0”

forms: restaurant_form: cuisine: - type: from_entity entity: cuisine
outdoor_seating: - type: from_intent intent: affirm value: true - type: from_intent intent: deny value: false num_people: - type: from_entity entity: num_people


  • cuisine
  • num_people

slots: cuisine: type: text auto_fill: false influence_conversation: false outdoor_seating: type: text auto_fill: false influence_conversation: false num_people: type: text auto_fill: false influence_conversation: false


  • request_restaurant
  • affirm
  • deny
  • inform

responses: utter_ask_cuisine: - text: “What cuisine?” utter_ask_num_people: - text: “How many people?” utter_ask_outdoor_seating: - text: “Do you want to sit outside?”

  • text: “All done!” utter_slots_values:
  • text: “I am going to run a restaurant search using the following parameters:\n - cuisine: {cuisine}\n - num_people: {num_people}\n - outdoor_seating: {outdoor_seating}”

RULES.YML version: “2.0”


  • rule: activate restaurant form steps:

    • intent: request_restaurant # intent that triggers form activation
    • action: restaurant_form # run the form
    • active_loop: restaurant_form # this form is active
  • rule: submit form condition:

    • active_loop: restaurant_form # this form must be active steps:
      • action: restaurant_form # run the form
      • active_loop: null # the form is no longer active because it has been filled
      • action: utter_submit # action to take after the form is complete
      • action: utter_slots_values # action to take after the form is complete

NLU.YML version: “2.0”


  • intent: request_restaurant examples: |

    • im looking for a restaurant
    • can i get swedish food in any area
    • a restaurant that serves caribbean food
    • id like a restaurant
    • im looking for a restaurant that serves mediterranean food
    • can i find a restaurant that serves chinese
  • intent: affirm examples: |

    • Yes
    • yes, please
    • yup
  • intent: deny examples: |

    • no don’t
    • no
    • no I don’t want that
  • intent: inform examples: |

    • afghan food
    • how bout asian oriental
    • what about indian food
    • uh how about turkish type of food
    • um english
    • im looking for tuscan food
    • id like moroccan food
    • for ten(num_people) people
    • 2(num_people) people
    • for three(num_people) people
    • just one(num_people) person
    • book for seven(num_people) people
    • 2(num_people) please
    • nine(num_people) people

Looks like it’s failing to identify your num_people entity, so the form fails. For number detection, I’d recommend using a prebuilt entity extractor like Duckling. I’d recommend spinning this up as a Docker container as shown in that link. Besides auto detecting numbers, it will also normalize the values back to something your app can take as input (e.g. “four” is normalized to “4”).

If that sounds like too much to test forms, I’d recommend removing the second entity or change it to something text based only like location.

1 Like


1 Like

Checking back on this @eyal8698, were you able to solve your issue using @desmarchris 's suggestions? (Thanks Chris!)

yep it worked for me, thanks!