Hello everyone,
I’m using 2 entity extractors in my pipepline : DIETClassifier & CRFEntityExtractor because I’m using REGEX for extracting emails.
My pipeline looks like this :
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer case_sensitive: False
- name: RegexFeaturizer
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer analyzer: “char_wb” min_ngram: 1 max_ngram: 4
- name: CRFEntityExtractor
- name: DIETClassifier epochs: 100
- name: EntitySynonymMapper
The problem is when I use the method get_slot() in my custom action, I get a list of two values [value1,value1] , I guess it means that the entity is extracted twice by DIET & CRF. But this is not the case for all my entities, as some of them are only extracted once by the DIETClassifier.
How can I fix this problem ? Is there a way to specify which entity should be extracted with which extractor ?