Could someone explain me, why this doesn’t work? I have a rule and a story defined as:
- rule: submit make appointment form
- active_loop: make_appointment_form
- action: make_appointment_form
- active_loop: null
- action: utter_make_appointment_slots_values
- action: utter_ask_data_correctness
- intent: affirm
- action: action_submit_make_appointment_form
- story: overall make appointment
- intent: greet+make_appointment
- action: make_appointment_form
- active_loop: make_appointment_form
- active_loop: null
- action: utter_make_appointment_slots_values
- action: utter_ask_data_correctness
- intent: affirm
- action: action_submit_make_appointment_form
- intent: affirm
- action: action_make_appointment
Basically, story extends the rule by intent affirm and a response action. What I don’t get is why ‘action_make_appointment’ doesn’t occur, when ‘affirm’ intent is provided to the bot.
It doesn’t make sense, that you can’t extend a rule in the story… Does it? What am I missing? In debug I can clearly see, that RulePolicy was not able to predict an action, but… Rule policy should be done, when ‘action_submit_make_appointment_form’ occurs.