NotImplementedError while testing stories

I run rasa test to test stories to see if the messages are classified correctly. The command generates the plots but I ended up with the following error:

Failed stories written to 'results/failed_test_stories.yml'<br/>
Stories with prediction warnings written to 'results/stories_with_warnings.yml'<br/>
**Traceback (most recent call last):**
**  File "/home/.../anaconda3/envs/rasaenv/bin/rasa", line 5, in <module>**
**    main()**
**  File "/home/.../.../rasa/rasa/", line 119, in main**
**    cmdline_arguments.func(cmdline_arguments)**
**  File "/home/.../.../rasa/rasa/cli/", line 276, in test**
**    run_core_test(args)**
**  File "/home/.../.../rasa/rasa/cli/", line 270, in run_core_test**
**  File "/home/.../anaconda3/envs/rasaenv/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 49, in run**
**    loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_default_executor())**
**  File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 1456, in uvloop.loop.Loop.run_until_complete**
**  File "/home/.../anaconda3/envs/rasaenv/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 253, in shutdown_default_executor**
**    raise NotImplementedError**

Hello and Welcome to the forum :bouquet:

@irikio As I can see you are using python 3.9 ? and rasa and rasa x (3.x) is compatible with python 3.7 and 3.8 only and 2.x is with 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

3.x Ref: Installation

2.x Ref: Installation

I hope this will solve your issue.

Thank you @nik202. I did a little trick and it works even Iā€™m using python 3.9 but Iā€™m not sure if it is accurate for a long term. I just submitted it as an issue on Rasa repo to see whether this solution is suitable for the future use or not. Here is the link to the issue:

In Python, NotImplementedError is an exception that is raised when a method or function is not implemented, or when a subclass does not implement an abstract method from its parent class. This exception can be raised intentionally to signal that the functionality is not yet implemented, or it can be raised accidentally due to a coding mistake.

Check if the method or function is intentionally not implemented: If the NotImplementedError is raised intentionally, you can leave the method or function as is, or provide a placeholder implementation that raises the NotImplementedError. However, if the NotImplementedError is raised accidentally, you need to provide a proper implementation.

If you are dealing with an python abstract method, you can either provide a concrete implementation for the method in the subclass, or mark the subclass as abstract and force its children to implement the method.