Not able to set Rasa slots by buttons , rasa 3.x


intent: docs

examples: |

- tell me about [documentation]{"entity":"content"}
- tell me about [documents]{"entity":"content"}

intent: real

examples: |

- tell me about [realtime]{"entity":"content"}
- [realtime]{"entity":"content"}

inside domain file

  • utter_iamabot: text: I am a bot, powered by Rasa, I can answer below topics , kindly choose -buttons:
    • title: “Documents”

      payload: ‘/docs{{“content”:“documents”}}’

    • title: “Realtime”

      payload: ‘/real{{“content”:“realtime”}}’

Look at rasa documentation for slots Responses

Look at this Set slot and entity with Rasa buttons - #2 by ChrisRahme

- intent: ask_html
  examples: |
    - tell me about [realtime](content)
    - [realtime](content)


    - text: "I am a bot, powered by Rasa, I can answer below topics, kindly choose -buttons:"
        - title: "Documents"
          payload: '/docs{"content":"documents"}'
        - title: "Realtime"
          payload: '/real{"content":"realtime"}'

The utter_iamabot action in your domain.yml file should be indented correctly under the responses section.