Not able to get reminder notification message from rasa

I am using rasa 1.10, i am trying out with reminder notification.

this is the flow that I want to achive: User: remind me to call Rahul Bot: ok I will remind you after 1 min. … 1 min later … Bot: please remember to call Rahul

i want to achieve this flow, I have set reminders and according actions, everything is working fine but the last message is not getting displayed to the user.

i am using a custom channel and requesting the bot though postman & Whatsapp,

@MuraliChandran14, @mrepot33, @flore could anyone help me in this case?

Hi @omkarcpatil were you able to achieve this? I’ve a similar query to solve. I too need my bot to display something automatically after some time when a certain condition is met.