version: ‘3.1’ intents:
- add_to_cart
- address_selection
- affirm
- bot_challenge
- deny
- doc_cons
- global_search
- goodbye
- greet
- labs
- medicine
- mobile_number
- mood_great
- mood_unhappy
- nlu_fallback
- order_confirm
- otp
- pathology_bus
- proceed_to_book
- redirect_url
- select_customer
- slot_selection
- view_details
- whoareyou entities:
- mobile_number
- address
- labs_name
- pathology
- selected_test_code
- select_customer
- medicine
- near_slot
type: any
influence_conversation: false
- type: custom mobile_number: type: text mappings:
- type: from_entity entity: mobile_number influence_conversation: true otp: type: text influence_conversation: false mappings:
- type: from_entity entity: OTP customer_selection: type: any mappings:
- type: custom influence_conversation: null selected_add: type: any mappings:
- type: custom influence_conversation: false test_prices: type: any mappings:
- type: custom influence_conversation: false customer_lab: type: any mappings:
- type: custom bio_data: type: any mappings:
- type: custom influence_conversation: false sel_slot: type: any influence_conversation: false mappings:
- type: custom order_status: type: any initial_value: pending mappings:
- type: custom influence_conversation: false responses: utter_greet:
- text: Hello I am your Call Health AI assistant CHINTU
please ask me something or tap on any quick reply button buttons:- title: Pathology payload: /pathology_bus
- title: Medicine payload: /medicine
- title: Reports payload: /report_order_query utter_medicine:
- text: Please type the medicine name Example-- I want to order Dolo | Enter - Pan utter_order_confirm:
- text: Your Order Placed Succesfully utter_slot_selection:
- text: Please Select Appropriate Slot Timings utter_labs:
- text: Please Select the Labs for Your Choosen Diagnostic test utter_customer_selection:
- text: Please select the Person to whom Do you want to book the order utter_address_selection:
- text: Please select the Registered Address utter_CXO:
- text: A management led company we have a stellar team of experts across all domains utter_whoareyou:
- text: I am a bot powered by CallHealth, I can help you by understanding your messages, please type something about any service or product! utter_cheer_up:
- text: ‘Here is something to cheer you up:’ image: utter_did_that_help:
- text: Did that help you? utter_happy:
- text: Great, carry on! utter_redirect_url:
- text: Click here to proceed. utter_please_rephrase:
- text: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand that. Could you rephrase? utter_default:
- text: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. Can you please rephrase? utter_add_to_cart:
- text: Action Add to cart to be implemented utter_proceed_to_book:
- text: Proceed to Book the Order utter_mobile_number:
- text: Pls Enter your 10 digit Registered Mobile Number utter_otp:
- text: Pls enter OTP sent to your Registered Mobile Number utter_pathology_bus:
- text: Please type the test name Example-- I want to know CBC
- text: Directly enter test Name Example-- TSH, PSA, CUE utter_global_search:
- text: Pls Select the required item from below response utter_doc_cons:
- text: please tap here Doctor Consultation actions:
- action_ask_for_otp
- action_customer_selection
- action_clicked_item
- action_process_selected_customer
- action_validate_otp
- action_send_otp
- action_global_search
- action_ask_for_mobile_number
- action_validate_mobile_number
- action_address_selection
- action_process_selected_address
- action_test_prices
- action_show_options
- action_show_labs
- action_process_labs
- action_add_to_cart
- action_slot_selection
- action_process_slot
- action_order_book
- utter_address_selection
- action_greet_user
- action_send_greeting
- action_nlu_fallback
- action_medicine
- action_whoareyou
- action_CXO
- action_doc_cons session_config: session_expiration_time: 60 carry_over_slots_to_new_session: true
config.yml recipe: default.v1
Configuration for Rasa NLU.
language: en
name: WhitespaceTokenizer
name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
name: RegexEntityExtractor case_sensitive: false use_lookup_tables: true use_regexes: true
name: RegexFeaturizer case_sensitive: false use_word_boundaries: false
name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
name: CountVectorsFeaturizer analyzer: char_wb min_ngram: 1 max_ngram: 4
name: DIETClassifier epochs: 10 constrain_similarities: true
name: EntitySynonymMapper
name: ResponseSelector epochs: 10 constrain_similarities: true
Configuration for Rasa Core.
# No configuration for policies was provided. The following default policies were used to train your model.
# If you’d like to customize them, uncomment and adjust the policies.
# See Policies for more information.
- name: MemoizationPolicy
- name: MemoizationPolicy max_history: 10 epochs: 100
- name: TEDPolicy max_history: 10 epochs: 100
- name: RulePolicy assistant_id: 20231211-160223-simple-level
version: “3.1”
- name: mobile_number pattern: ‘^\d{10}$’
- name: OTP pattern: ‘^\d{6}$’
name: common_mobile_numbers elements:
- “1234567890”
- “9876543210”
- “1122334455”
- “9988776655”
- “2233445566”
- “4455667788”
- “6677889900”
- “5566778899”
- “3344556677”
- “7788990011”
name: frequently_used_otps elements:
- “123456”
- “654321”
- “112233”
- “445566”
- “778899”
- “999999”
- “000000”
- “111111”
- “222222”
- “333333” nlu:
intent: greet examples: |
- hey
- hello
- hi
- hello there
- good morning
- good evening
- moin
- hey there
- let’s go
- hey dude
- goodmorning
- goodevening
- good afternoon
intent: goodbye examples: |
- cu
- good by
- cee you later
- good night
- bye
- goodbye
- have a nice day
- see you around
- bye bye
- see you later
intent: affirm examples: |
- yes
- y
- indeed
- of course
- that sounds good
- correct
intent: deny examples: |
- no
- n
- never
- I don’t think so
- don’t like that
- no way
- not really
intent: mood_great examples: |
- perfect
- great
- amazing
- feeling like a king
- wonderful
- I am feeling very good
- I am great
- I am amazing
- I am going to save the world
- super stoked
- extremely good
- so so perfect
- so good
- so perfect
intent: mood_unhappy examples: |
- my day was horrible
- I am sad
- I don’t feel very well
- I am disappointed
- super sad
- I’m so sad
- sad
- very sad
- unhappy
- not good
- not very good
- extremly sad
- so saad
- so sad
intent: CXO examples: |
- Who is Hari Thallpally
- Who is Hari
- Who is Vamshi
- Who is CTO
- Who is leading callhealth
- callhealth leaders
- callhealth management
- Who is managing callhealth
- what is your team
- who is your team
- your team info?
- who is your company head?
- Who are heading this company
- Who is CEO of callhealth
- who is your management team
- Who is leading callhealth?
intent: mobile_number examples: |
- 1209876543
- 1324567890
- 1456789012
- 1578901234
- 1690123456
- 1789012345
- 1876543210
- 1987654321
- 2109876543
- 2234567890
- 2345678901
- 2456789012
- 2567890123
- 2678901234
- 2789012345
- 2890123456
- 2987654321
- 3012345678
- 3123456789
- 3234567890
- 3345678901
- 3456789012
- 3567890123
- 3678901234
- 3789012345
- 3890123456
- 3987654321
- 4012345678
- 4123456789
- 4234567890
- 4345678901
- 4456789012
- 4567890123
- 4678901234
- 4789012345
- 4890123456
- 4987654321
- 5012345678
- 5123456789
- 5234567890
- 5345678901
- 5456789012
- 5567890123
- 5678901234
- 5789012345
- 5890123456
- 5987654321
- 6012345678
- 6123456789
- 6234567890
- 6345678901
- 6456789012
- 6567890123
- 6678901234
- 6789012345
- 6890123456
- 6987654321
- 7012345678
- 7123456789
- 7234567890
- 7345678901
- 7456789012
- 7567890123
- 7678901234
- 7789012345
- 7890123456
- 7987654321
- 8012345678
- 8123456789
- 8234567890
- 8345678901
- 8456789012
- 8567890123
- 8678901234
- 8789012345
- 8890123456
- 8987654321
- 9012345678
- 9123456789
- 9234567890
- 9345678901
- 9456789012
- 9567890123
- 9678901234
- 9789012345
- 9890123456
- 9987654321
- 0912345678
- 1012345678
- 1312345678
- 1412345678
- 1512345678
- 1612345678
- 1712345678
- 1812345678
- 1912345678
- 2012345678
- 2112345678
- 2412345678
- 2512345678
- 2612345678
- 2712345678
- 2812345678
- 2912345678
- 3112345678
- 3412345678
- 3512345678
- 3612345678
- 3712345678
- 3812345678
- 3912345678
- 4112345678
- 4412345678
- 4512345678
- 4612345678
- 4712345678
- 4812345678
- 4912345678
- 5112345678
- 5412345678
- 5512345678
- 5612345678
- 5712345678
- 5812345678
- 5912345678
- 6112345678
- 6412345678
- 6512345678
- 6612345678
- 6712345678
- 6812345678
- 6912345678
- 7112345678
- 7412345678
- 7512345678
- 7612345678
- 7712345678
- 7812345678
- 7912345678
- 8112345678
- 8412345678
- 8512345678
- 8612345678
- 8712345678
- 8812345678
- 8912345678
- 9112345678
- Dial this mobile_number 4545676789
- 5656787890 is my contact info
- Use this number to reach me: 6767898901
- 7878909012 is my mobile_number contact
- My phone number is 8989010123
- Contact me on this number: 9090121234
- 0101232345 is my mobile_number phone number
- Reach me on this mobile_number 1212343456
- 2323454567 is my contact
- My mobile_number for calls: 3434565678
- 4545676789 is my phone contact
- 7032516689
- 7896546440
- 7032456789
- 7043567890
- 7054253535
- 7054285735
- 7014885734
- 7032516678
- 7890624398
- 6789094673
- 7032516789
- 7032516798
- 7032516680
- 7325145678
- 7032521668
- 7032516689
intent: otp examples: |
- 657897
- 123456
- 656757
- 123457
- 876543
- 879087
- 456789
- 123123
- 654321
- 112233
- 098765
- 445566
- 778899
- 001122
- 334455
- 667788
- 990011
- 223344
- 556677
- 889900
- 987654
- 234567
- 543210
- 135790
- 246801
- 369258
- 147258
- 258369
- 951753
- 753159
- 852456
- 789456
- 321987
- 159753
- 753951
- 852369
- 963741
- 147852
- 369147
- 258741
- 951357
- 159357
- 357159
- 456123
- 789012
- 345678
- 901234
- 567890
- 890123
- 012345
- 678901
- 683485
- 927718
- 414441
- 394498
- 777952
- 593312
- 215188
- 284389
- 688339
- 308115
- 818242
- 373186
- 293439
- 191565
- 538377
- 774843
- 445272
- 366986
- 424015
- 201888
- 336239
- 214716
- 351487
- 263629
- 486972
- 712023
- 840834
- 562769
- 905145
- 196544
- 569579
- 642489
- 404633
- 209785
- 861147
- 326379
- 527667
- 987689
- 489574
- 229865
- 645585
- 297224
- 308892
- 146296
- 146297
- 545605
- 789065
- 606745
- 287887
- 678908
- 975931
- 789054
- 238060
- 678932
- 860682
- 785467
- 937427
- 339568
- 732181
- 470552
- 763245
- 316501
- 678943
- 123733
- 234532
- 859830
- 851869
- 569519
- 337939
- 643213
- 249876
- 940516
- 259063
- 854161
- 387672
- 581399
- 915368
- 534127
- 603012
- 109171
- 275338
- 100105
- 860759
- 938921
- 966997
- 794713
- 506043
- 233402
- 268838
- 752206
- 178886
- 170884
- 486797
- 216194
- 874246
- 359751
- 648093
- 656559
- 219334
intent: whoareyou examples: |
- by the way who are you?
- who r u
- Hi bot
- hello, tell me about yourself, because right now I dont really understand who you are. I would also like to clarify whether you work in Ukraine
- You are very cute looking. I’ll message you later.
- So ur getting my words or not
- are you a bot?
- are you a human?
- am I talking to a bot?
- am I talking to a human?
- are you a robot?
- am I talking to an actual person?
- you’re a bot aren’t you?
- are you even a real person?
- How old are you?
- Whats your age?
- Tell me your age
- I want to know your age
intent: select_customer examples: |
- I want to book an order for Yogesh Thakur
- Please select Laxmi Thakur for the order
- Book the order for Suresh Kumar
- I choose Neha Sharma
- Rajesh Singh is the person for the order
- Order should be booked for Priya Patel
- Mohit Gupta is my choice
- Aarav Patel
- Aditi Sharma
- Ajay Verma
- Akash Kumar
- Alok Tiwari
- Amita Reddy
- Ananya Desai
- Anil Kapoor
- Anita Choudhury
- Anjali Mehta
- Ankit Singh
- Ankita Joshi
- Arjun Nair
- Arpita Banerjee
- Arun Mishra
- Ashok Gupta
- Bharat Yadav
- Chandan Kumar
- Deepa Iyer
- Deepak Chopra
- Devendra Patel
- Dhruv Saxena
- Divya Sharma
- Garima Malhotra
- Gaurav Singhania
- Gita Reddy
- Harish Mehra
- Hema Chawla
- Hemant Joshi
- Isha Patel
- Jatin Khanna
- Jaya Krishnan
- Jayesh Patel
- Karan Malhotra
- Kavita Sharma
- Kirti Desai
- Kunal Kapoor
- Lakshmi Narayan
- Madhav Menon
- Madhuri Dixit
- Manoj Kumar
- Mayank Agarwal
- Meena Kumari
- Mohan Lal
- Pradeep Sharma
- Yogesh Thakur
- Aravind Thakur
intent: order_confirm examples: |
- confirm my order
- book now
- please confirm my order
- can you confirm my order?
- I’d like to confirm my order
- yes, confirm the order
- order confirm, please
- let’s confirm the order
- please book now
- I’d like to book now
- go ahead and book now
- can you book it now?
- book it now
- confirm and book now
- yes, book now
- order confirm now
- can you confirm the order now?
- confirm this order
- book it now, please
- let’s proceed with the order confirmation
- confirm my order now
- please go ahead and confirm the order
- proceed to confirm the order
- book the order now
- please proceed with the booking
- I want to confirm my order
- I would like to confirm my booking
- could you please confirm the order?
- confirm my booking now
intent: medicine examples: |
- Pan
- bvfur
- Why your medicine store in kolkata?
- I need pan antacid
- Humalog mix 50
- I need a sanitizer
- sanitizer
- Cheston cold
- sanitiger
- Barium swallow
- sanitizar
- sanetiger
- hand wash soap
- sanitizer please
- Pantodac dsr
- medicine order
- diapers
intent: address_selection examples: |
- /address_selection{“address”: “Prem Nagar, near indira gandhi statue Erragadda, Hyderabad”, “latitude”: “17.4534”, “longitude”: “78.4324”, “zipcode”: “500072”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “HN: 1-5-22/B, Calvary temply Gully, Miyapur, Hyderabad”, “latitude”: “17.4934”, “longitude”: “78.3823”, “zipcode”: “500081”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Door NO: 34-56/A, 2ndFloor, Maha Complex, Kukatpally, Hyderabad”, “latitude”: “17.4849”, “longitude”: “78.4138”, “zipcode”: “500018”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Flat No. 302, Sunshine Apartments, 4th Cross, Jayanagar, Bangalore”, “latitude”: “12.9250”, “longitude”: “77.5938”, “zipcode”: “560041”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “15/A, Laxmi Niwas, M.G. Road, Pune, Maharashtra”, “latitude”: “18.5204”, “longitude”: “73.8567”, “zipcode”: “411001”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “House No. 7, Ganga Vihar Colony, Sector 15, Noida, Uttar Pradesh”, “latitude”: “28.5847”, “longitude”: “77.3159”, “zipcode”: “201301”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “B-45, Green Park Extension, New Delhi”, “latitude”: “28.5621”, “longitude”: “77.2041”, “zipcode”: “110016”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Plot No. 23, Shivaji Nagar, Near City Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra”, “latitude”: “21.1458”, “longitude”: “79.0882”, “zipcode”: “440010”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Villa 8, Palm Grove Enclave, Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka”, “latitude”: “12.9698”, “longitude”: “77.7500”, “zipcode”: “560066”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Flat 1204, Skyline Towers, Link Road, Bandra West, Mumbai”, “latitude”: “19.0596”, “longitude”: “72.8295”, “zipcode”: “400050”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Apartment 505, Sea View Residency, Marine Drive, Kochi, Kerala”, “latitude”: “9.9312”, “longitude”: “76.2673”, “zipcode”: “682001”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “23/A, Rajdanga Main Road, Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal”, “latitude”: “22.5145”, “longitude”: “88.3933”, “zipcode”: “700107”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Flat No. 12, Sunshine Tower, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat”, “latitude”: “23.0338”, “longitude”: “72.5624”, “zipcode”: “380009”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “H.No. 4-56/1, Banjara Hills, Road No. 12, Hyderabad, Telangana”, “latitude”: “17.4156”, “longitude”: “78.4347”, “zipcode”: “500034”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Villa 15, Palm Meadows, Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka”, “latitude”: “12.9684”, “longitude”: “77.7531”, “zipcode”: “560066”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Flat 301, Green Valley Apartments, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra”, “latitude”: “18.5589”, “longitude”: “73.8074”, “zipcode”: “411007”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “House No. 123, Sector 15A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh”, “latitude”: “28.5830”, “longitude”: “77.3194”, “zipcode”: “201301”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “C-45, Hauz Khas, New Delhi”, “latitude”: “28.5494”, “longitude”: “77.2001”, “zipcode”: “110016”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Flat No. 1001, Seawoods Estate, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra”, “latitude”: “19.0323”, “longitude”: “73.0180”, “zipcode”: “400706”}
- /address_selection{“address”: “Door No. 5-6-145, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Telangana”, “latitude”: “17.4449”, “longitude”: “78.4666”, “zipcode”: “500016”}
intent: proceed_to_book examples: |
- I would like to proceed to book.
- Please proceed to book my appointment.
- Can we proceed to book now?
- I want to proceed to book the test.
- Let’s proceed to book the slot.
- Proceed to book my session, please.
- Proceed to book it for me.
- How do I proceed to book?
- Proceed to book the appointment for me.
- I’d like to proceed to book this test.
- Could you help me proceed to book?
- Proceed to book the test now.
- Is it possible to proceed to book the service?
- I need to proceed to book an appointment.
- Proceed to book this for me.
- I want to proceed to book this now.
- Could you proceed to book it?
- Please proceed to book the service.
- Help me proceed to book the appointment.
- Proceed to book a slot for me.
- Proceed to book it at the earliest.
- Proceed to book my test.
- Proceed to book it right away.
- Can you proceed to book it now?
intent: add_to_cart examples: |
- Add to cart
- Your Item added to cart
- Succesfully Your Item added to cart
- Your item added to cart
- Successfully your item added to cart
- Cart items
- Please add this to my cart
- I’d like to add this to my cart
- Can you add this to my cart?
- Add this product to my cart
- Put this in my cart
- Add to my shopping cart
- Include this in my cart
- Insert this item into my cart
- Place this in my cart
intent: labs examples: |
- Thyrocare, 3rd Floor, Flat 301, Babu Khan Estate, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad - 500001, Distance: 1.8 Km
- Vimta Labs, 142, Phase II, IDA Cherlapally, Hyderabad - 500051, Distance: 7.5 Km
- Medplus Pathlabs, Plot No 79, Ayyappa Society, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500081, Distance: 4.2 Km
- Dr. Remedies Labs, 6-3-348/1, Road No. 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034, Distance: 3.7 Km
- Metropolis Healthcare, 6-1-126 & 127/4, Padma Rao Nagar, Secunderabad - 500025, Distance: 6.1 Km
- SRL Diagnostics, 1st Floor, Ashoka Scintilla, Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad - 500029, Distance: 2.5 Km
- Kamineni Hospitals Lab, LB Nagar, Hyderabad - 500068, Distance: 8.9 Km
- Neuberg Diagnostics, Plot 12, Road No 14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034, Distance: 4.6 Km
- Vijaya Diagnostic Centre, 3-6-16 & 17, Street No. 19, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad - 500029, Distance: 2.3 Km
- American Institute of Pathology, 6-3-552/1, Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 500082, Distance: 3.5 Km
- Mediclu Diagnostics, 12-2-826/A/12, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad - 500028, Distance: 5.7 Km
- Tenet Diagnostics, 8-2-608/1/5, Road No. 10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034, Distance: 4.1 Km
- Vijaya Diagnostic Centre, Plot No-20, Sector-4, MVP Colony, Hyderabad - 500072, Distance: 6.8 Km
- Suraksha Diagnostic, 5-9-22, Secretariat Road, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500063, Distance: 1.6 Km
- Care Hospitals Lab, Exhibition Grounds Road, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500001, Distance: 2.9 Km
- Lucid Medical Diagnostics, 1st Floor, 8-3-169/163, Siddhartha Nagar, Vengal Rao Nagar, Hyderabad - 500038, Distance: 3.3 Km
- Omega Hospitals Lab, MLA Colony, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034, Distance: 5.2 Km
- Medinova Diagnostic Services, 7-1-58/A/21, Dharam Karan Road, Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500016, Distance: 2.7 Km
- Synergy Diagnostics, Plot No. 17, Journalist Colony, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033, Distance: 5.9 Km
- Aarthi Scans and Labs, 2nd Floor, Plot 6, Vivekananda Nagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072, Distance: 3.4 Km
- Medcis Pathlabs, 6-3-347/17/1, Dwarakapuri Colony, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082, Distance: 4.3 Km
- Niloufer Hospital Lab, Red Hills, Hyderabad - 500004, Distance: 1.9 Km
- Zivanza Diagnostics, 6-3-1238/28, Langar House, Hyderabad - 500008, Distance: 6.5 Km
- Lucid Medical Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd., Plot No 5, 6 Sai Nagar Colony, Opposite more Mega Store, Kukatpally, Distance: 1.35 Km
- VIJAYA DIAGNOSTICS, Ground Floor, Amrutha Business Complex, OPP Lal Bungalow, Divyashakti Apartments, Ameerpet, Hyderabad -500016, Distance: 3.19 Km
- VIJAYA DIAGNOSTICS, Ground Floor, Amrutha Business Complex, OPP Lal Bungalow, Divyashakti Apartments, Ameerpet, Hyderabad -500016, Distance: 3.19 K
- 3: Previa Health, 3rd Floor, jaya Vijaya Plaa,Vithal Rao Nagar,Madhapur, Distance: 3.74 K
intent: view_details examples: |
- Show me more details about the CBC
- I want to see the details for LFT
- View the Thyroid test details
- Can you provide more information on the Blood Sugar test?
- I’d like to see more details about the Cholesterol test
- Show me the detailed information for Kidney Function Test
- Display the Urine Culture test details for me
- Give me the details of the Vitamin D test
- I need more information on HbA1c
- Reveal the details of the Prostate Specific Antigen test
- I want to get more details about Hemoglobin
- Please show me the full details of the Electrolytes test
- I am interested in seeing the details for Pregnancy Test
- Can you give me more details on Lipid Profile?
- Provide the details of the CRP test
- I would like more information about the Hepatitis B test
- Expand on the C-Reactive Protein test details for me
- Let me see the full test details for Iron Studies
intent: global_search examples: |
- cu
- ca
- ser
- mag
- tab
- bg
- lft
- xray
- mri
- ct
- hep
- ur
- ebc
- gl
- mg
- tbc
- rbc
- hba
- cbc
- pt
- b12
- ch
- crp
- csa
- afp
- esr
- tsh
I want my user directly enter his mobile number and otp woth out any text but bot is identifying only mobile_number or OTP but not Both. any suggestions ? thaks in advance