My bot unable to identify the similar kind of entity values even after using the regex features


version: ‘3.1’ intents:

  • CXO
  • add_to_cart
  • address_selection
  • affirm
  • bot_challenge
  • deny
  • doc_cons
  • global_search
  • goodbye
  • greet
  • labs
  • medicine
  • mobile_number
  • mood_great
  • mood_unhappy
  • nlu_fallback
  • order_confirm
  • otp
  • pathology_bus
  • proceed_to_book
  • redirect_url
  • select_customer
  • slot_selection
  • view_details
  • whoareyou entities:
  • OTP
  • mobile_number
  • address
  • labs_name
  • pathology
  • selected_test_code
  • select_customer
  • medicine
  • near_slot slots: clicked_item: type: any influence_conversation: false mappings:
    • type: custom mobile_number: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: mobile_number influence_conversation: true otp: type: text influence_conversation: false mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: OTP customer_selection: type: any mappings:
    • type: custom influence_conversation: null selected_add: type: any mappings:
    • type: custom influence_conversation: false test_prices: type: any mappings:
    • type: custom influence_conversation: false customer_lab: type: any mappings:
    • type: custom bio_data: type: any mappings:
    • type: custom influence_conversation: false sel_slot: type: any influence_conversation: false mappings:
    • type: custom order_status: type: any initial_value: pending mappings:
    • type: custom influence_conversation: false responses: utter_greet:
    • text: Hello I am your Call Health AI assistant CHINTU
      please ask me something or tap on any quick reply button buttons:
      • title: Pathology payload: /pathology_bus
      • title: Medicine payload: /medicine
      • title: Reports payload: /report_order_query utter_medicine:
    • text: Please type the medicine name :pill: Example-- I want to order Dolo | Enter - Pan utter_order_confirm:
    • text: Your Order Placed Succesfully utter_slot_selection:
    • text: Please Select Appropriate Slot Timings utter_labs:
    • text: Please Select the Labs for Your Choosen Diagnostic test utter_customer_selection:
    • text: Please select the Person to whom Do you want to book the order utter_address_selection:
    • text: Please select the Registered Address utter_CXO:
    • text: A management led company we have a stellar team of experts across all domains utter_whoareyou:
    • text: I am a bot powered by CallHealth, I can help you by understanding your messages, please type something about any service or product! utter_cheer_up:
    • text: ‘Here is something to cheer you up:’ image: utter_did_that_help:
    • text: Did that help you? utter_happy:
    • text: Great, carry on! utter_redirect_url:
    • text: Click here to proceed. utter_please_rephrase:
    • text: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand that. Could you rephrase? utter_default:
    • text: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. Can you please rephrase? utter_add_to_cart:
    • text: Action Add to cart to be implemented utter_proceed_to_book:
    • text: Proceed to Book the Order utter_mobile_number:
    • text: Pls Enter your 10 digit Registered Mobile Number utter_otp:
    • text: Pls enter OTP sent to your Registered Mobile Number utter_pathology_bus:
    • text: Please type the test name Example-- I want to know CBC
    • text: Directly enter test Name Example-- TSH, PSA, CUE utter_global_search:
    • text: Pls Select the required item from below response utter_doc_cons:
    • text: please tap here Doctor Consultation actions:
  • action_ask_for_otp
  • action_customer_selection
  • action_clicked_item
  • action_process_selected_customer
  • action_validate_otp
  • action_send_otp
  • action_global_search
  • action_ask_for_mobile_number
  • action_validate_mobile_number
  • action_address_selection
  • action_process_selected_address
  • action_test_prices
  • action_show_options
  • action_show_labs
  • action_process_labs
  • action_add_to_cart
  • action_slot_selection
  • action_process_slot
  • action_order_book
  • utter_address_selection
  • action_greet_user
  • action_send_greeting
  • action_nlu_fallback
  • action_medicine
  • action_whoareyou
  • action_CXO
  • action_doc_cons session_config: session_expiration_time: 60 carry_over_slots_to_new_session: true

config.yml recipe: default.v1

Configuration for Rasa NLU.


language: en


  • name: WhitespaceTokenizer

  • name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer

  • name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

  • name: RegexEntityExtractor case_sensitive: false use_lookup_tables: true use_regexes: true

  • name: RegexFeaturizer case_sensitive: false use_word_boundaries: false

  • name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer

  • name: CountVectorsFeaturizer analyzer: char_wb min_ngram: 1 max_ngram: 4

  • name: DIETClassifier epochs: 10 constrain_similarities: true

  • name: EntitySynonymMapper

  • name: ResponseSelector epochs: 10 constrain_similarities: true

Configuration for Rasa Core.



# No configuration for policies was provided. The following default policies were used to train your model.

# If you’d like to customize them, uncomment and adjust the policies.

# See Policies for more information.

- name: MemoizationPolicy

  • name: MemoizationPolicy max_history: 10 epochs: 100
  • name: TEDPolicy max_history: 10 epochs: 100
  • name: RulePolicy assistant_id: 20231211-160223-simple-level


version: “3.1”


  • name: mobile_number pattern: ‘^\d{10}$’
  • name: OTP pattern: ‘^\d{6}$’


I want my user directly enter his mobile number and otp woth out any text but bot is identifying only mobile_number or OTP but not Both. any suggestions ? thaks in advance