Moodbot in Hindi Language

Hi all, I had created MoodBot in Hindi Language, Check out the demo here:

So here the Pipeline that I have used is supervised_embeddings based on the medium article by @amn41

Thanks :wink:

You can get the training data in my github repo here:


Great job bro @JiteshGaikwad.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @JiteshGaikwad, I tried with Telugu language , But the bot not recognizing the intents correctly. Is there any need to change supervised_embeddings pipeline for Telugu language


Hi @JiteshGaikwad, Thanks for response. Then For Telugu language, Bot not identifying correct intents

it depends on the training data

Github account of @JiteshGaikwad is showing not found error, can you provide a reference or sample of your bot on how to use rasa for different languages like Hindi, Telugu etc ?