Lookup Entity Extractor

Hi everyone,

I had built my own entity extractor similar to Lookup Tables. but this is not machine-learned but will try to extract entities from a list of data just like lookup tables but here it will try to do text matching from a list of examples. But how this will help the entity extraction process? so you don’t need to train the NLU model for the know list of examples but rather just pass it as a list and let the extractor extract the entities from the list of examples during prediction.

Code Repo: https://github.com/JiteshGaikwad/LookupEntityExtractor

For the demo purpose I have used @koaning’s Pokemon Demo Bot, you can get it here:


Demo Video:

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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This is a cool example; just sayin’.

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It’s actually a bit meta, because @Emma and myself were seriously discussing this exact issue last week.

@koaning @Emma that’s great :slight_smile:, I was first to implement it :wink:

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