can you tell me which report to use if I want to see objects values
please give me a report for [dims]{“entity”: “content”, “role”: “object”}, [values]{“entity”: “content”, “role”: “object”}, [thumbnail]{“entity”: “content”, “role”: “object”}
The entity “content” is set as List Slot.
My question is how to separate the comma-ed elements to list of items…using rasa-ic way?
do one thing, add this in your file. then check weather you are getting expected output or not. you can also extract [report] entity if you want.
and also check that you are not using synonyms image->thumbnail
once your slot is set i.e. content= [“dimensions”, “values”, “image”]
in your file you can separate the comma-ed elements to list of items
Unfortunately it doesn’t work. I put your sentence in, trained rasa, then typed the exact same sentence in rasa shell. It is still giving me [‘dimensions, values, image’]
An interesting point to add is that if I say “…a report for dimensions and values and image”, it knows how to separate them to 3 items.