Key problem on localhost:5002

Hello community,

there is no longer a standalone rasa as open source, but you can have a free key sent to you for private projects. I did that and received the key for rasa pro.

I have now also installed rasa (on win11 and docker) and can also have the basic conversation in the console.

Rasa version: 3.6.20 docker run -v %cd%:/app rasa/rasa:latest init --no-prompt

After that I installed Rasa X, I also got to the website localhost:5002. However, in the gray box it says “Rasa Enterprise”.

I copied the key into a text file and saved it a) as rasakey.txt and b) as rasa.key. When I upload the file I get the error that Rasa cannot process the file (or something similar).

Probably because I somehow installed Enterprise instead of Pro.

Is there anyone who can help me here or give me a tip? I would be very grateful.

Regards Gersh