Issue to run my action

type object argument after ** must be a mapping, not NoneType

Can you please post the full traceback, and the action code?

class ReplacePronon(Action): def name(self):

    return 'action_replace_pronon'

def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
    data = (tracker.latest_message)['text']
    inp = data.split()
    print (inp)
    if not inp:
        dispatcher.utter_message("no match sentences")
        return [inp]

    if 'me' in inp:
       return re.sub('me','you',str(inp))

    if 'my' in inp:
       return re.sub('my','your',str(inp))

    if 'your' in inp:
       return re.sub('your','my',str(inp))

    if 'you' in inp:
        return re.sub('you','me',str(inp))  
    #response = " Your product is ordered for you. It will be shipped to your address. Your confirmation number is {}".format(inp)
    return []

the event will be ignore in your terminal but your bot will continue