InvalidConfigException: Can't load class for name 'CorrectSpelling'. Please make sure to provide a valid name or module path and to register it using the '@DefaultV1Recipe.register' decorator

Hi everyone!! <3

Build a custom component for spell checking

i want to spell checking for language Vietnammese.

For example: “Xin chao Rasa!”

Output of the code will look like this: “Xin chào Rasa!” code:

from rasa.nlu.components import Component
from rasa.nlu import utils
from rasa.nlu.model import Metadata
from pyvi import ViUtils
  # from spellchecker import SpellChecker
  # spell = SpellChecker()
  class CorrectSpelling(Component):
      name = "Spell_checker"
      provides = ["message"]
      requires = ["message"]
      language_list = ["en"]
      def __init__(self, component_config=None):
          super(CorrectSpelling, self).__init__(component_config)
      def train(self, training_data, cfg, **kwargs):
          """Not needed, because the the model is pretrained"""
      def process(self, message, **kwargs):
          """Retrieve the text message, do spelling correction word by word,
          then append all the words and form the sentence,
          pass it to next component of pipeline"""
          textdata = message.text
          new_message = ViUtils.add_accents(textdata)
          message.text = new_message
      def persist(self,file_name, model_dir):
          """Pass because a pre-trained model is already persisted"""

file python name i add it to C:\Users\ADMIN\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\rasa_nlu register it in rasa_nlu/"

from rasa_nlu.spellchecking import CorrectSpelling


component_classes = [
    SpacyNLP, MitieNLP,
    SpacyEntityExtractor, MitieEntityExtractor, DucklingExtractor,
    CRFEntityExtractor, DucklingHTTPExtractor,
    SpacyFeaturizer, MitieFeaturizer, NGramFeaturizer, RegexFeaturizer,
    MitieTokenizer, SpacyTokenizer, WhitespaceTokenizer,
    SklearnIntentClassifier, MitieIntentClassifier, KeywordIntentClassifier,

i run rasa train, and i get it:

(base) D:\AI Project\GroooBot>rasa train
fatal: bad revision 'HEAD'
InvalidConfigException: Can't load class for name 'CorrectSpelling'. Please make sure to provide a valid name or module path and to register it using the '@DefaultV1Recipe.register' decorator.

Please help me fix it. Thanks very much!!!