Intent 'nlu_fallback' has only 1 training examples! Minimum is 2, training may fail

Getting the following error while training my rasa 2.0.2 version bot, my rasa-sdk is 2.0.0 and I haven’t added ‘nlu_fallback’ in my domain file as an intent. Please help. @akelad
UserWarning: Intent ‘nlu_fallback’ has only 1 training examples! Minimum is 2, training may fail.

Hey, I found the same problem it seems to be a bug about counting NLU examples, but it doesn’t seem to actually affect the model working.

I opened an issue tracking this:

Hi, have you found a solution to this? Do I need to set an intent named as “nlu_fallback” ?

No, you are not supposed to do that. We shouldn’t be creating training examples for nlu_fallback since it’s a default behavior.

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