This is my first project using rasa. So I am using Django for the website backend (logging users into website). I am integrating the database with rasa to make custom queries for creating custom actions but I am unable to figure out how to inform rasa about which user(primary key) is logged in into the website. Note: Chat-Widget used is the one given on rasa open source documentation. Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou.
Welcome to the forum
You can POST
messages to http://your.rasa.server/webhooks/rest/webhook
, with the following format:
{ "sender": "ACB123", "message": "Hello, REST!"}
is the sender/conversation ID of the user sending the message, message
is the message you want to send.
Messages can be either regular text or a payload to force an intent and (optionally) entities. A payload is of this form:
/intent_name{"entity_one": "value_one", "entity_two", "value_two"}
Of course you will need to choose an intent (I would create an inform
intent for that), and each entity should have at least 2 examples in that intent.
On top of defining an intent and entities, you need to define a slot to save those entity values in for the long-term - unless you will use a custom action as a response which will read the entities from the tracker and do whatever then forget about them.
Please read:
- Entities and Slots for retreiving and saving info
- Rich Responses for forcing intents and entities
- REST Channels for communicating with the bot via HTTP
- Custom Actions SDK for executing Python code as a response
- Tracker SDK to get info about the message (intent, entities, …) in custom actions
Hi, @ChrisRahme hope u are doing well !!! I have tried your solution(by posting data to RASA URL) but when fetching the sender id from rasa it displays the default rather than the one which I have set. Does the fact that my chat widget is using socketio, make this solution ineffective? Also, I have tried to use the data-initial-payload attribute to convey the intent, but it isn’t working? Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks
That’s weird. Can you share the output of rasa --version
What do you mean? Where did you try that?
Rasa version 2.8.7
Can you show me how you send the message? And how you “fetch the sender id from rasa”?