IndexError: index 64 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 64

Hi community,

I have 5 stories in my stories.yml file. Whenever I tried writing 6th story with new intent and action, I am getting this error: “IndexError: index 64 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 64”

If I put this new intent and action in the 5th story, it will work. Why is it happening?

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Hello, @shaur.sum10 ! This has become a big pain for me in the last few days. And I created a topic: Error running graph component for node train_UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy2

But after that I found out that the problem is not in intents and entities, but in the number of stories that you submit for training. I had 17 stories and they gave the following error, if I add this number to 21 or more, then everything becomes normal. We must take into account, as I understand it, that stories are automatically augmented, and elements such as the - or: operator create several stories from one at once. So in fact, having 5 stories, with training they can turn into some more stories.

I tried to work through the rasa code, but the logic behind the output_scores["similarities"][index, 0, candidate_label_id] expression contains a lot of pre-processing. This looks very much like a bug that should be investigated by the developers.

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There is already a JIRA for that issue: [OSS-736] - Jira My workaround was to downgrade to 3.6.9 for the time being.

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I’ve solve the problem by reducing the number of story. Instead of writing new story and repeating some steps just to finaly add my new intent and action. I just wrote a story about a context (discussion path), and add my new intents et actions to the appriope discussion path, i mean in the occasion user can invoke the intent.