I would like to validate the email when using a forum if the user put a valid email the forum will ask for the next input else he will tell him that he puted invalid email and ask him again for email

i would like to validate the email when using a forum if the user put a valid email the forum will ask for the next input else he will tell him that he puted invalid email and ask him again for email.

But form is not asking for email again

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Can you give more details about how you consider an email as valid? It could be:

  • Matches a regex pattern
  • Exists in a database
  • Is a real email address
  • etc.

Can you also show a snippet of your code?

Tip: To properly format code, don’t simply paste it here. Instead, use three backticks (```) (the key under Esc) a line before and a line after the code

like this

@Sudheer Welcome to our community :bouquet:

Is that you want to validate form (basically email id) from database? Or as Chris said, please elaborate your usecase so that we can provide you better suggestion or solution.

Thanks @ChrisRahme … its working I used regex for the validation.

Glad to know you solved it :slight_smile: Please close this thread by marking a post as solution

So what is the solution? Please share it!

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@Sudheer Great! You can even check these two video tutorial videos: Part 1: Validating Rasa Forms | Creating a Login Rasa Form - YouTube | Part 2: Validating Rasa Forms | Validating user input - YouTube It’s related to validating form and database, maybe in near future this will help you or others.

Hope this will also help and please do share the solution code or snippet for others. Good Luck!

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