I cant extract name using duckling in rasa 2.0

@akelad …the one you gave me

hey @faiza_conte, sorry you actually need to iterate through the entities extracted from the tracker.latest_message.get("entities", []) function. That will output a list of entities extracted, and from there you can access all the necessary information you need

okay thanks…here i have another issue…AttributeError: ‘MySQLConverter’ object has no attribute ‘_list_to_mysql’ TypeError: Python ‘list’ cannot be converted to a MySQL type actually am trying to fill a form and after that store it to mysql database…here is what my form looks like domain.yml (11.9 KB)

I believe this is not a rasa specific issue but rather something you need to take a look at in the MySQL documentation


@akelad…i want the error message to be in the chatroom how can i do that?