I’m currently working on a bot that negotiates the price with the user. I’m using a form to get a price offer from the user and based on some logic I’m setting the slot at the end of the custom action and re-triggering the action, again and again, to present new offers to the user. Now I want the bot to break this loop when the user reaches a particular threshold and ask him to make a new offer. At this point, I want to trigger a user intent from within the custom action. I will be using this intent to trigger a rule that will ask the user to make a new offer.
I’m aware of the UserUttered function from rasa_sdk.events but for some reason, that’s not working for me. I wasn’t able to figure out where I was going wrong.
Here is the snippet where I’m using UserUttered:
new_price = 'none'
bargain_cycle = bargain_cycle + 1
dispatcher.utter_message(text = "Make me a new offer!")
return [SlotSet('current_bargain','none'),SlotSet('current_bargain_price',new_price),SlotSet('bargain_cycle',bargain_cycle)]
Please ignore the slots as they are derived from the logic in the action and are working as expected.
I have an intent named ‘another_offer’ in the nlu.yml and that is the intent that I want to trigger from the action above. Here is the intent:
- intent: another_offer
examples: |
- i will make a fresh offer
- i wanna make a fresh offer
- i will make a new offer
Finally, here is the rule that would be triggered upon the intent occurrence:
- rule: new offer from user
- intent: another_offer
- action: user_offer_form
- active_loop: user_offer_form
Can someone help me with this or at least point me to the right resources? Thanks in advance!