How to send button information with REST API

Hello Team!. I’m using the REST Api in order to debug and understand the behavior of the bot for implementing my own frontend.

So far, using postman I was able to get proper responses from the bot with doing a POST to “” with the following JSON content:

  "sender": "test_user",
  "message": "hey"

My question now is, what do I need to send in this POST message if the options given by the response of the BOT are associated with buttons?


Just posting this here in case anybody else needs it. In order to make this work, you need to use the same endpoint and send as part of the message the “payload” information coming in the response of the bot, but escaping the inverted commas.

So it would be like this:

  "sender": "test_user",
  "message": "/user_clicked_on_option{\"option\": \"R-3\"}"