How to put a recognized entity into a URL for the custom action

I have a rasa bot which is trying to extract data out of an API using a custom action. I had a simple custom action working where there was only one API link which it extracted data from and used the entity to filter and find the correct data I wanted extracted from that API.

Here is what it looks like:

class ActionCorona(Action):

 def name(self) -> Text:
     return "action_covid"

 def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
         tracker: Tracker,
         domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:

     response = requests.get("").json()
     entities = tracker.latest_message['entities']
     print("Last Message now ", entities)
     state = None
     for e in entities:
        if e['entity'] == "country":
            country = e['value']

     message = "Please enter a valid country"

     for data in response:
        if data["country"] == country.title():
            message = country.title() + " Infected: "+ str(data["infected"]) + " Recovered: " + str(data["recovered"]) + " Dead: " + str(data["deceased"])

     return []

What I want to do now is that I am trying to use a different API Link where the link filters by the country, so for example if the link is (EXAMPLE LINK, IT IS NOT REAL):

If you were to change Germany to another country then it would show the api with the data for that country only. So I want to know is there some line of code I can add to replace that section of the URL to place into the custom action?