How to properly validate forms?

Hi all,
I am trying to validate a form containing six slots. Following this documentation, I have tried to validate one slot by:

- validate_standard_form

class ValidateStandardForm(FormValidationAction): 
def name(self) -> Text:
    return "validate_standard_form"
def validate_pizza_quantity(self,   
                            slot_value: Any,
                            dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
                            tracker: Tracker,
                            domain: DomainDict) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    flag = 0
    for qty in slot_value:
        if qty < 1:
            flag = 1
            dispatcher.utter_message("!!!Pizza can't be negative!!!")
    if flag == 0:
        return {"pizza_quantity": slot_value}
        return {"pizza_quantity": None}

unfortunately, this function doesn’t work, so the slot can still be filled with negatives values, why?

In the link above, I have also read that we can use tracker.slots_to_validate() for customizing the validation, but I can’t figure out how. Were I could find more documentation/examples about it?

Just to check, could you share your domain.yml file? You may have misspelled a slot/form name. You don’t need to share the whole file, but the parts about entities, slots and forms might help us figure that out. Looking at the action code, it seems fine.

Note that you can also add print statements to the code to help you debug. You can confirm the slot value that goes into the action is actually received.

Thanks @koaning
Without the validation action, the form works fine.
I have tried to print a message at the beginning of the action, but it’s not displayed

 - drink_type
 - drinks_quantity
 - hour
 - phone_number
 - pizza_quantity
 - pizza_type

    type: list
    influence_conversation: true
    type: list
    influence_conversation: true
    type: list
    influence_conversation: false
    type: list
    influence_conversation: false
    type: text
    influence_conversation: false
    type: text
    influence_conversation: false

    - type: from_entity
      entity: pizza_type
      intent: pizza_order
    - type: from_entity
      entity: drink_type
      intent: drinks_order
    - type: from_entity
      entity: hour
      intent: inform_hour
    - type: from_entity
      entity: phone_number
      intent: inform_phone_number

I can’t help but notice that the pizza_quantity slot is not part of standard_form. Just to check, might that be causing your issue?


Hello @koaning , I have something similar but I have already checked the names and they match, could you please just have a look at my entires here and see if you notice something off please?

It sounds like there may be an issue with the code in your validation function. Check to make sure that the print/utter_message commands are properly formatted and being called in the correct section of the code. You may also want to double-check your indentation and syntax for any errors.