How to load 2 or more bot model in Django server?

Hello All,

I am new for rasa. and this is my first post.

I want load rasa 3 models in django server using below commend.

  from rasa.core.agent import Agent

It’s take 1.5 min for loading model.

This bot has 3 intent and per intent 3 example and 2 entities.

I use the default configuration such as the config file that is created when we run the command of rasa init.

Each Rasa instances can load only one model. I posted about this here. But it doesn’t sound like you need more than one model anyway.

Thank you @stephens for reply.

My main question is loading time. When I load model using below commend.

  from rasa.core.agent import Agent

It’s take 1.5 min for load a single model. This bot has 3 intent and per intent 3 example and 2 entities.

I use rasa 3.2.2 version.

Please Help me out for model loading time issues.

1.5 min sounds a little long but this could be related to your system config. Either way, you shouldn’t be loading models often. You should be starting up a Rasa instance and leave it running.

Hello @stephens,

System configuration:-

 8gb Ram,
 4gb graphic card,
 i5 9th process.

But my query is:

I want to load 2 or more model at time.

1.5 min per model with 3 intent and per intent 3 example and 2 entities.

whenever we have more intent that time take more time.

For example:

1 model *1.5 = 1.5min,

100 models*1.5 = 150 mins. so this is not good.

Thanks for the replay.