How to install rasa in python 3.8?

Hi all,

I have updated my Fedora to 32, which now comes with python 3.8.3. Trying pip install rasa wants to install an older version (1.10.2), which fails due to tensorflow. Looking at github, there is support for 3.8 in rasa 1.10.5. However pip does not select this package: Link requires a different Python (3.8.3 not in: ‘>=3.6,<3.8’) It seems that the latest pip packages are only for 3.6 & 3.7.

Is there a solution?

Hi, there is not support for python 3.8 yet as far as I know, not sure where you saw that in github. As the docs say on the Installation Page, Rasa requires python 3.6 or 3.7. I would recommend installing rasa in a virtual environment.

Here it is, 28 days ago:

That was merged into master in June, but the latest minor was in april (we don’t release micro branches from master), so that will be why.

what about now? does RASA support python 3.8 because i have the same problem. Kindly reply back to me

It does, @urbanusm ! Although we’ve seen some weird issues with the earliest versions like 3.8.0. Which version are you using and what issue are you seeing?