I have created one RASA NLU. I need to call this NLU from one of my web application How can i do that?
Previously I used LUIS as an NLP engine, For that we have APPID and APPSECRET. We configured those two in my web application. So that i can communicate with the LUIS. In a same way How can i connect RASA NLU to my web application?
@JiteshGaikwad So I ran my bot nlu on AWS server and rasn with python -m rasa_nlu.server --path ./models/deafult/nlu(my path)
and then what should wrte in postman?
how can i check the nlu is running or not?
So I have uploaded my Bot on an AWS server and i’m making API call from my local pc with amazon IP. Now i’m running rasa_core.run --enable_api -d models/dialogue -u models/deafult/nlu --endpoints endpoints.yml. And i’m getting the results in my postman based on the queries I pass.
“recipient_id”: “56”,
“text”: “Hi! How can I help you?”
so I’m getting the answer, But Now i want to send something with question as well. Like an user_id or maybe company_id. So how should i take that value and save it in rasa. for eg, if someone is giving me a get request of respond and passing Query along with some other parameters so how should I save this parameter in rasa? as a tracker or maybe a variable?
I’m passing user_id and company _id along with the query in the get request.
I want to save this user_id and company_id to my rasa_bot memory. How can i do that/
## intent:name
- My name is [Juste](name) <!--- Square brackets contain the value of entity while the text in parentheses is a label of the entity -->
- I am [Josh](name)
And if using Json:
"text": "Give me the details of Customer 1324654",
"intent": "<Details>",
"entities": [
"entity": "<UserID or CustomerID>",
"startPos": 33,
"endPos": 40
Give a few examples of the ID like this. Rasa will start understanding it as an entity then.
hey @Akshit as far as what i can understand from your statement, i think you want to make a log of each user’s request and response along with their id, so you can use Tracker Stores
Hey, @JiteshGaikwad
Can you please tell me how to make a call to rasa_nlu server. I only want intents and their confidence levels and the entities.
Don’t need a reply back.