Hey Guys , could anyone tell me on how could we add a button in the rasa GUI chat that would redirect us to a website or another window . For example providing options in the rasa chat as a form of buttons to take us to another tab and can someone also tell me how to provide a URL in the chatbot responses ? Thank you
You will need to implement that in your front-end. You cannot do it in Rasa X.
And don’t use Rasa Buttons, those are made for sending intents. Use your own Custom Output Payload to make a special button which contains whatever information you want.
The rest depends on your programming skills and is unrelated to Rasa. Good luck
@SyedBilalHasan Hi, The below suggested code are best fit for rasa webchat (rasa open source) as I personally not implement in rasa x.
For URL:
- text: |
We have various products please visit this link [Product] (https://rasa.com/product/features/)
Note: The above code will open the URL in the new browser window.
For Buttons:
As suggested by Chris, buttons are used for sending intent but using intents you can payload the URL, this is an alternative solution. Do check again this code; I have only provided you an basic idea.
In domain.yml
- rasa
- text: For specific enquiries please select the option
- title: rasa
payload: /rasa
- title: rasa-x
payload: /rasa_x
- text: "[Rasa](http://forum.rasa.com)"
In stories.yml
- story: rasa enquire path
- intent: rasa
- action: utter_rasa
If you have any doubts regarding code or idea; do let us know. Hope this will give you better idea and solve your issue. Good Luck!
@SyedBilalHasan Heya. I hope you doing fine? Just a check, is the above suggestion solved your issue, if yes can I request please close this thread as solution for other Thanks.