How to add a delay in between 2 function call in custom action

Hi all,

I am trying to add a delay between the message and the opening the link, but I am not able to do so using the Time.sleep() function in python.

How can I add a delay b/w the message and the ( the link in new tab.

what is happening–> The url opens in the new tab then the message gets delevered in the bot what I want to do–> get the message and after 5 sec open the url.

Thanks in Advance… Please help me to sort this out

class ActionLink(Action):

def name(self) -> Text:

    return "action_link"

def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,

        tracker: Tracker,

        domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:

         entities = tracker.latest_message['entities']


         Intent = tracker.latest_message['intent']['name']

         for e in entities:

             if e['entity'] == 'Solution_type_datascience' :

                 url = ""

                 dispatcher.utter_message(text="Taking you to the data science page. The page will open in the new tab. Happy to help. 😄 ")

                 dispatcher.utter_message(text="Taking you to the data science source page")

             if e['entity'] == 'Solution_type_conversational_ai' :

                 url = ""

                 dispatcher.utter_message(text="Taking you to the conversation ai page. The page will open in the new tab. Happy to help. 😄 ")


         return []


Take a look at Reminders.

Hi @ChrisRahme ,

Thanks for the help, It did the trick.

Regards, Gourav

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Glad to know :slight_smile: Please close the thread by marking the solution