How many entities examples I need to put in my inform intent?

I have this intent


  • [barcel] (branch)

  • [pepsi] (branch)

  • [cocacola] (branch)

  • [sabritas] (branch)

  • [dell] (branch)

  • [samsung] (branch)

  • [nicke] (branch)

  • [marinela] (branch)

  • [general electric] (branch)

  • [red bull] (branch)

  • [home dipot] (branch)

  • [carks junior] (branch)

  • [electra motors] (branch)

  • [club campestre] (branch)

  • [sal de mar] (branch)

  • mi marca es [barcel] (branch)

  • mi marca es [pepsi] (branch)

  • mi marca es [sabritas] (branch)

  • mi marca es [cocacola] (branch)

  • mi marca es [nicke] (branch)

  • mi marca es [marinera] (branch)

  • mi marca es [samsung] (branch)

  • mi marca es [exxon mobil] (branch)

  • mi marca es [mc donals] (branch)

  • mi marca es [red bull] (branch)

  • mi marca es [cars junior] (branch)

  • mi marca es [sal marina] (branch)

  • mi marca es [electra motors] (branch)

  • mi marca es [club mariposa] (branch)

  • mi marca es [home dipot] (branch)

  • mi marca es [general electric] (branch)

  • mi marca es [Ralph Lauren] (branch)

  • mi marca es [apple] (branch)

  • mi marca es [amazon] (branch)

  • mi marca es [ibm] (branch)

  • mi marca es [louis vutton] (branch)

  • mi marca es [cisco] (branch)

  • mi marca es [oracle] (branch)

  • mi marca es [wall mark] (branch)

and my problem is in the shell when I type one of the examples everything works fine

example: I type “mi marca es cisco”

extract correctly the entity (branch=cisco)

but if I type a new branch that doesn’t exist in my intent it doesn’t work

example: I type “mi marca es yamaha”

it says that my entity is (branch=“mi marca es yamaha”) and must be only yamaha

I need more examples or is another problem???

Hi @UlisesVD, it depends on your application. How many does it need? Well, as long as you need. So, if your bot will have to handle a bigger conversation, is necessary to add more intents in your and domain file. You just need to add more intents and examples. There is no problem :smiley:

Hi and thanks for your answer @marcos.allysson but I think that I have a lot of examples of my entity branch in that intent, or I need more??? or maybe I have many examples?

I solved this problem I put a lot of examples in nlu file and change my config file like this:


  • name: WhitespaceTokenizer

  • name: RegexFeaturizer

  • name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer

  • name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

  • name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

    Analyzer to use, either ‘word’, ‘char’, or ‘char_wb’

    analyzer: “word”

    Set the lower and upper boundaries for the n-grams

    min_ngram: 1

    max_ngram: 1

    Set the out-of-vocabulary token

    OOV_token: “oov

    Whether to use a shared vocab

    use_shared_vocab: False

  • name: DIETClassifier

    batch_strategy: sequence

    epochs: 150

  • name: EntitySynonymMapper

  • name: ResponseSelector

    epochs: 100

I hope this can be useful for someone