How can i perform custom actions on button click in rasa?

how can i perform custom actions on button click in rasa?

Hi @Aniket573!

You can deliver an intent as the payload of a button and then use the mapping policy to map those intents to trigger your custom actions.

i want to write code in and i am using the intent which is same as button payload.In that case,How can i trigger custom actions by button click?

in your domain file

- your intent name:
  triggers: your action name

Hi @a-anand-91119 , Thank you for the solution, I am trying to do the similar implementations as that of Aniket’s, I am having trouble mapping the intent to action using policies, can you help me with and example?

What I have done so far. "created a custom action that will provide 2 option to the user, the user has to select 1 option " I am stuck at “based on that selected option a custom action will be triggered”

Thank you