I read a book with title " Building Chatbots with Python: Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning" by Sumit Raj and follow the code that written there. And then I came to an example code how to train online the conversation, but then I found out that the code is deprecated. This is the code :
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from rasa_core import utils, train
from rasa_core.training import online
from rasa_core.interpreter import NaturalLanguageInterpreter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def train_agent(interpreter):
return train.train_dialog_model(domain_file="horoscope_domain.yml",
stories_file="data/stories.md", output_path="models/dialog", nlu_model_path=interpreter,
endpoints="endpoints.yml", max_history=2, kwargs={"batch_size": 50,"epochs": 200,
"max_training_samples": 300 })
if __name__ == '__main__':
nlu_model_path = "./models/nlu/default/horoscopebot" interpreter =
NaturalLanguageInterpreter.create(nlu_model_path) agent = train_agent(interpreter)
then the result is “ImportError: cannot import name ‘online’ from ‘rasa_core.training’” . Please help me how the code looks like in the newest version. When i check i use rasa nlu 0.15.1 version.
Many thanks for your help.