Hi this post is not a error post but more of a review post. I have implemented a method which can handle multi-intent without the need of adding new multi-label examples in training data.
This is how it works
Used input : hello. How are you doing ?
Step 1.
We split the sentence into [hello , how are you doing ?].
Step 2:
Use a model to predict intents for each statement
The assumption for this method to work well is that
The input will always be properly punctuated.
With this approach I am able to handle 2 or more intents in any order.
I am not a pro. So I want to know from the community and limitations of this approach
(Other then step 1)
@koaning form a custom action is it possible to return [SlotSet(“slot_name”,“val”), FollowupAction(“action_name”)]
I am not able to do this.
What happens is the follow-up action is called but the slot_name is not set and its in a form so the execution just stops in middle. No question is asked and requested_slot == ‘slot_name’
What I want to do is . set the slot , execute the another action using folloeupaction and then move to the next question in the form
So this case is like handling non - linear conversations
What do you mean by “optimal” here? Optimal with regards to what goal?
form a custom action is it possible to return [SlotSet(“slot_name”,“val”), FollowupAction(“action_name”)]
This sounds like it’s a separate issue from the one in this thread. Could you expand on what you tried and expected in a new issue? It might help to share more code from the custom action for the new ticket.
Hello @Bob1 ,
I am very intrested in your dynamic multi-intent solution that I find better than the static solution of creating an intent that regroups two different ones. Could you share the code please. I don’t know how to do a custom tokenizer
Thanks in advance,