Getting no module named rasa

hi Team,

Today first time i am trying rasa on my windows 10. I have installed Python 3.9.6 and installed Rasa as well. but when i try to init rasa getting No module named rasa.

Tried the following steps:

  1. python -m venv venv-env
  2. venv-env\Scripts\activate.bat
  3. python -m pip install rasa
  4. Now it says rasa installed.
  5. python rasa init

Finally it throwed no module found Rasa. Kindly help


Please read the Installation Guide:

You can install Rasa Open Source using pip (requires Python 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8)

You are using Python 3.9. Please create a virtual environment with Python 3.8.

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Thanks Chris… can i know is python 3.9 is still not supported by Rasa??

Do you have any good documents so that i can start with Rasa and develop a simple chatbot on my own.

if so please do share some here…

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The Rasa Docs are a great place to start, I encourage to read all of it.

The rasa init command will create a basic chatbot that you can use to learn.

The Rasa Masterclass series on YouTube is old and teaches Rasa 1.x, but you should still watch it since the logic is the same. The obvious biggest change is switching from MD to YAML format.

There’s the free Rasa for Begginers Udemy course created by Mady Mantha, and the official (paid) Certification, Custom Actions and Forms, and Deployment workshops on Udemy as well.

The best way to learn though is by trying stuff yourself and thinking hard trying to solve problems!