Below is the config and nlu file content. Issue description: for any untrained utterances it is giving intent and with high confidence(0.99) Untrained utternaces like “cricket station” “Michael is on leave” “asdasfasf” PLease correct if any changes in config or nlu data file
Config file: language: en
- name: addons.CustomTokenizer.CustomTokenizer
- name: RegexFeaturizer case_sensitive: true use_word_boundaries: false
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- a
- and
- any
- are
- aren’t
- because
- being
- by
- can’t
- cannot
- could
- couldn’t
- does
- doesn’t
- don’t
- during
- from
- further
- if
- in
- into
- itself
- let’s
- more
- of
- or
- other
- ought
- over
- shan’t
- some
- such
- than
- that
- that’s
- them
- themselves
- this
- those
- through
- under
- until
- up
- very
- where
- where’s
- which
- while analyzer: word min_ngram: 1 max_ngram: 4
- name: DIETClassifier epochs: 100
- name: addons.FuzzyMatch.EntityTypoFixer score_cutoff: 0.9
- name: FallbackClassifier threshold: 0.4 ambiguity_threshold: 0.1
- name: EntitySynonymMapper
- name: TEDPolicy max_history: 1 epochs: 150 batch_size: 20 max_training_samples: 300
- name: MemoizationPolicy
nlu file version: ‘2.0’ nlu:
intent: greetings_how_r_u examples: '- how are you getting on
how is your day going
how do you do
how are you
intent: greetings_hello examples: '- hi
hi there
hello bot
hey bot
intent: hours_min examples: '- what is the time now
What time is it?
what is the time
intent: month_date examples: '- what date is it
what is the date today
what is the current date