Getting a slot value using Tracker in a FormValidationAction

Hi, I have an entity, say A, and an associated slot A. As per the documentation, the value of the entity is automatically set in the slot.

I am using the tracker.get_slot() method for getting the slot value of A in a FormValidationAction for another slot, say B, where I need the value of A for some logic.

However, when I print that value on the action server, it shows the same value as that of my input for slot B in the Form.

Am I missing something on how tracker works?

Grateful for help :pray::pray:

@sanikachepe Can you please give example conversation for above? This line “However, when I print that value on the action server, it shows the same value as that of my input for slot B in the Form” is not clear to me. I guess you validating that and print the value? Sorry I not get you clear on this “it shows the same value as that of my input for slot B in the Form”.