FormAction slot was requested but nothing was extracted it will allow other policies to predict another action.
But I want this, It should not allow to predict untill slots does not get filled.
FormAction slot was requested but nothing was extracted it will allow other policies to predict another action.
But I want this, It should not allow to predict untill slots does not get filled.
you need to override validate
and do not raise Exception
Hi @Ghostvv I need your help please I want to use forms for a specific case I have and I can’t get it to work.
In actions as a form I have :
class IdeasmineForm(FormAction):
"""Accept free text input from the user for suggestions"""
def name(self):
return "ideasmine_form"
def required_slots(tracker):
return ["ideasmine_message"]
def slot_mappings(self):
return {"ideasmine_message": self.from_text()}
def submit(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
So I want to take the input of the user as it is, I know the user will give me the intent : ideasmine_message but I don’t know what it will be it’s very random so in my intents I can’t give examples for this intent. This is why I want to use forms to just get the user input and take this as ideasmine_message intent/slot
After the FormAction I want to tell the user simply that he taped {ideasmine_message[text]}, so in my stories I have the next action like:
class action_SendIntent_B_S(Action):
def name(self):
return 'action_SendIntent_B_S'
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
loc = tracker.get_slot('ideasmine_message')
response = """Hi user you said {} , """.format(loc['text'])
Just tell the user what he taped.
in domain.yml
- utter_ask_ideasmine_message
- action_etape4
- ideasmine_form
- confirmer
- ideasmine_message
- ideasmine_message
type: unfeaturized
auto_fill: false
- text: What is your Idea?
- text: hi, do you need help?
What I realy want is:
user: Hi (*bonjour)
bot: hi, do you need help? (-utter_bonjour)
user: yes (*confirmer)
bot: what is your idea? (I could of use this in stories as *ideas_message but the problem is that I don't know what should I receive as an answer it could be any thing, this why I want to use forms. So the bot will execute ideasmine_form which will show the utter_ask_ideasmine_message)
user: my idea is my idea (filling the form and taking this sentence as ideasmine_message slot)
bot: you said: my idea is my idea (action_SendIntent_B_S)
when I tried this with interactive learning the bot predict well till the ideamine_form (correct?) I tape Yes, then the bot show the utter_ask_ideamine_message and propose to listen I tape Yes and taped the idea (my idea is my idea) Here it stops because the bot propose to classify this as None intent and if I tell him to classify it as ideamine_message he re do the ideamine_form as the new action.
Am I doing something wrong ? I’am using the last versions of both rasa_nlu and rasa_core
I didn’t understand, what is the problem?
How would I do that ? Do I have to changed the conditions ?? I did not get you.
The embadding policy just jumps over the Form and keras policy is a liltle good but also jumps when it could not fill the Form.
remove this: rasa_core_sdk/ at 7f91132aecda9c4ea6f1c97a58a52ed5a7178efe · RasaHQ/rasa_core_sdk · GitHub
These line of code ??
if not slot_values:
# reject to execute the form action
# if some slot was requested but nothing was extracted
# it will allow other policies to predict another action
raise ActionExecutionRejection(,
"Failed to validate slot {0} "
"with action {1}"