Form rejected when wrong intent is guessed

I’m having trouble filling slots on a form in interactive mode. I’ve pasted part of the domain file and the error.

When trying to fill a slot, if interactive mode guesses the wrong intent, I will correct it. but, then the slot doesn’t get filled. In the debug code, the error says the slot was rejected and that triggers the default fallback response. It then asks for the slot to be filled again and doesn’t fill it. Here’s the debug code.

In the case below, Rasa guessed the “inform” intent, I corrected it to another intent and then it failed to fill the slot. This happens even though the slot mapping has no intent requirement.

2022-04-26 09:25:57 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
? The bot wants to run 'asana_form', correct? Yes                                                                    
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.lock_store  - Issuing ticket for conversation '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.lock_store  - Acquiring lock for conversation '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.lock_store  - Acquired lock for conversation '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.actions.forms  - Validating user input 'UserUttered(text: breathing, intent: inform, use_text_for_featurization: None)'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.actions.forms  - Validating extracted slots: {}
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.lock_store  - Deleted lock for conversation '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.runner.dask  - Running graph with inputs: {'__tracker__': <rasa.shared.core.trackers.DialogueStateTracker object at 0x15c1d3910>}, targets: ['select_prediction'] and ExecutionContext(model_id='a5df29f785af4be7b95adad6e3233559', should_add_diagnostic_data=False, is_finetuning=False, node_name=None).
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'rule_only_data_provider' running 'RuleOnlyDataProvider.provide'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'domain_provider' running 'DomainProvider.provide_inference'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'run_MemoizationPolicy0' running 'MemoizationPolicy.predict_action_probabilities'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.memoization  - Current tracker state:
[state 1] previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: act_asana_path | previous action name: action_listen
[state 3] user intent: act_asana_path | previous action name: asana_form | active loop: {'name': 'asana_form'}
[state 4] user intent: inform | previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {'name': 'asana_form'}
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.memoization  - There is no memorised next action
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'run_RulePolicy1' running 'RulePolicy.predict_action_probabilities'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.rule_policy  - Current tracker state:
[state 1] previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: act_asana_path | previous action name: action_listen
[state 3] user intent: act_asana_path | previous action name: asana_form | active loop: {'name': 'asana_form'}
[state 4] user text: breathing | previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {'name': 'asana_form'}
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.rule_policy  - There is no applicable rule.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.rule_policy  - Current tracker state:
[state 1] previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: act_asana_path | previous action name: action_listen
[state 3] user intent: act_asana_path | previous action name: asana_form | active loop: {'name': 'asana_form'}
[state 4] user intent: inform | previous action name: action_listen | active loop: {'name': 'asana_form'}
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.rule_policy  - There is no applicable rule.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'run_TEDPolicy3' running 'TEDPolicy.predict_action_probabilities'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.ted_policy  - TED predicted 'action_listen' based on user intent.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'run_UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy2' running 'UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy.predict_action_probabilities'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.unexpected_intent_policy  - Querying for intent `inform`.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.unexpected_intent_policy  - Score for intent `inform` is `-0.1770257204771042`, while threshold is `-0.1808738112449646`.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.unexpected_intent_policy  - Top 5 intents (in ascending order) that are likely here are: `[('mood_great', -0.16554366), ('mood_unhappy', -0.1237465), ('act_asana_path', 0.026298553), ('greet', 0.22703537), ('restart', 0.28429562)]`.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.engine.graph  - Node 'select_prediction' running 'DefaultPolicyPredictionEnsemble.combine_predictions_from_kwargs'.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.ensemble  - Execution of 'asana_form' was rejected. Setting its confidence to 0.0 in all predictions.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.ensemble  - Made prediction using user intent.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.ensemble  - Added `DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False)` event.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.policies.ensemble  - Predicted next action using TEDPolicy.
2022-04-26 09:25:59 DEBUG    rasa.core.tracker_store  - Recreating tracker for id '2e2e0f6920924e789baa6554c9e0f122'

And, the domain file:

    type: text
    influence_conversation: false
    - type: from_text
      - active_loop: asana_form
        requested_slot: asana_task_name_before_slot
    type: text
    influence_conversation: false
    - type: from_text
      - active_loop: asana_form
        requested_slot: asana_number_select
    type: text
    influence_conversation: false
    - type: from_text
      - active_loop: asana_form
        requested_slot: asana_what_log_about_selected_task
    type: text
    influence_conversation: true
    - type: custom
    type: text
    influence_conversation: true
    - type: from_text
      - active_loop: asana_form
        requested_slot: asana_notes_from_asana_task_selected
    ignored_intents: []
    - asana_task_name_before_slot
    - asana_number_select
    - asana_what_log_about_selected_task
    - asana_notes_from_asana_task_selected

Should i file a bug report? Or is there a way I can ask a better question? @ChrisRahme