Federated AI project: desirable to run rasa open source on phone?

Hey everyone,

New on the forum to see if anyone knows if it is possible (and desirable) to run the rasa stack on Android/iOS phones?

The reason is that we are starting a Federated AI project which, ideally, would never have any data leave the device. Calling a Rasa server to process the conversation would of course stray from our ideal configuration.

Perhaps Rasa is not the platform to choose? Maybe the community knows how to still guarantee our core principle of privacy (and how to get non-tech believe it)?

If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.

Cheerio, Johnny

Hi @JGM.io. Generally, people use the Rasa stack running on a server via an HTTP API with Android/iOS applications. So far I am not aware of anyone that has got it running on Android/iOS phones, though it is a pretty common request. Some users in the community have been able to get Rasa to run on a Raspberry Pi: Running RASA on the RPi 4 with Raspbian Buster!