Failed to extract slot time with action call_time_form

I’m working on a bot that will help users set appointments, and using Duckling to extract dates and times from user input.

The first slot to be filled in my form is time, which is automatically filled by Duckling when a time is found in any message.

However, when my form is activated and requesting a time from a user, if Duckling cannot extract one, it throws this error:

rasa_sdk.endpoint  - Failed to extract slot time with action call_time_form

What is the best way to handle this? My assumption would be that the bot would simply ask again, since time is still the next required slot, but that’s not the case.

I have searched the forums and see many similar posts but none of them seemed to have a valid answer for how these errors can be handled.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi @adboio, that’s the expected outcome if the slot is not filled; the action server reports it, and the form action should be called again. Since you say the form action isn’t being called again, could you post a debug log from rasa shell ---debug at this point in the convo, and if you’ve changed any default behaviour in the form action, the form action code too?