you could also have your custom action dispatch different messages and this way you can remove the 2nd action utter_
and probably you’d have one single story in this case:
@anca Yes this works. My custom action dispatches different messages based of if an entity location was found in a user message or not. For now, I haven’t implemented slots in this project
I don’t know how else to explain that the tests are not failing. Maybe I don’t understand how some of these things work under the hood but the some of the tests in failed_test_stories.yml
aren’t failing when I test my assistant (with rasa shell
). Moreover, my knowledge is that filed stories comes with an extra comment as to what was predicted for example ( # predicted: nlu_fallback: bye
or # predicted: action_default_fallback
. But yea, I will keep studying and working on this
Speaking of action_default_fallback
. Please do you know of suggested way to improve the model to solve this error? Testing the same path I wrote in my stories, (for most), the last action returns action_default_fallback. I have tried playing with the no of epochs, no revolve still.
Looking at the logs for one of the stories, I see
2021-07-29 02:10:53 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ted_policy - TED predicted 'utter_not_sure' based on user intent.
(which is the action I have specified).
looking further, I also see:
2021-07-29 02:10:53 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_default_fallback' with confidence 0.30.
Wondering why the latter was chosen.
I have specified entity type for my story (as below) and I have it working now:
- intent: specify_location_lockdown
- location: "test_location"
Additionally, I must add that you have been very helpful. Just so I don’t to forget to mention.